Usage: [options] [config-dir]
-c, --clean cleanup the build-directory
-b, --build
set build-directory to for the fli4l-files
-s, --safe safe-mode for floppy-boot
-d, --drive X: set target-drive to X: - default a:
-h, --help display this usage
config-dir set other config-directory - default is "config"
--hdinstallpath install directly to usb/compact flash device
mounted or mountable to directory
device either has to be mounted and to be writable
for the user or it has to be mountable by the user
*** Remote-Update options
--remoteupdate remote-update via scp, implies "--filesonly"
--remoteremount make /boot writable before copying files and
read only afterwards
--remoteuser user name for remote-update - default is "fli4l"
--remotehost hostname or IP of remote machine - default
is HOSTNAME set in [config-dir]/base.txt
--remotepath pathname on remote maschine - default is "/boot"
--remoteport portnumber of the sshd on remote maschine
*** Netboot options (only on Unix/Linux)
--tftpbootpath pathname to tftpboot directory
--tftpbootimage name of the generated bootimage file
--pxesubdir subdirectory for pxe files relative to tftpbootpath
*** Developer options
-u, --update-ver set version to -rev
-v, --verbose verbose - some debug-output
-vd, --verbose-dep verbose dependency checking
-k, --kernel-pkg create a package containing all available kernel
modules and terminate afterwards.
set COMPLETE_KERNEL='yes' in config-directory/_kernel.txt
and run again without -k to finish
--filesonly create only fli4l-files - do not create a disk
--no-squeeze don't compress shell scripts
--rebuild rebuild mkfli4l and gen_init_* util; needs make, gcc
and binutils