#include-once ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; AutoIt Version: 3.2 ; Description: Slider Constants ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Styles Global Const $TBS_AUTOTICKS = 0x0001 Global Const $TBS_BOTH = 0x0008 Global Const $TBS_BOTTOM = 0x0000 Global Const $TBS_DOWNISLEFT = 0x0400 Global Const $TBS_ENABLESELRANGE = 0x20 Global Const $TBS_FIXEDLENGTH = 0x40 Global Const $TBS_HORZ = 0x0000 Global Const $TBS_LEFT = 0x0004 Global Const $TBS_NOTHUMB = 0x0080 Global Const $TBS_NOTICKS = 0x0010 Global Const $TBS_REVERSED = 0x200 Global Const $TBS_RIGHT = 0x0000 Global Const $TBS_TOP = 0x0004 Global Const $TBS_TOOLTIPS = 0x100 Global Const $TBS_VERT = 0x0002 ; Custom Draw Values (Custom Draw values, for example, are specified in the dwItemSpec member of the NMCUSTOMDRAW structure) Global Const $TBCD_CHANNEL = 0x3 ;Identifies the channel that the trackbar control's thumb marker slides along. Global Const $TBCD_THUMB = 0x2 ;Identifies the trackbar control's thumb marker. This is the part of the control that the user moves Global Const $TBCD_TICS = 0x1 ;Identifies the tick marks that are displayed along the trackbar control's edge ; Messages Global Const $TWM_USER = 0x400 ; WM_USER Global Const $TBM_CLEARSEL = ($TWM_USER + 19) Global Const $TBM_CLEARTICS = ($TWM_USER + 9) Global Const $TBM_GETBUDDY = ($TWM_USER + 33) Global Const $TBM_GETCHANNELRECT = ($TWM_USER + 26) Global Const $TBM_GETLINESIZE = ($TWM_USER + 24) Global Const $TBM_GETNUMTICS = ($TWM_USER + 16) Global Const $TBM_GETPAGESIZE = ($TWM_USER + 22) Global Const $TBM_GETPOS = $TWM_USER Global Const $TBM_GETPTICS = ($TWM_USER + 14) Global Const $TBM_GETSELEND = ($TWM_USER + 18) Global Const $TBM_GETSELSTART = ($TWM_USER + 17) Global Const $TBM_GETRANGEMAX = ($TWM_USER + 2) Global Const $TBM_GETRANGEMIN = ($TWM_USER + 1) Global Const $TBM_GETTHUMBLENGTH = ($TWM_USER + 28) Global Const $TBM_GETTHUMBRECT = ($TWM_USER + 25) Global Const $TBM_GETTIC = ($TWM_USER + 3) Global Const $TBM_GETTICPOS = ($TWM_USER + 15) Global Const $TBM_GETTOOLTIPS = ($TWM_USER + 30) Global Const $TBM_GETUNICODEFORMAT = 0x2000 + 6 Global Const $TBM_SETBUDDY = ($TWM_USER + 32) Global Const $TBM_SETLINESIZE = ($TWM_USER + 23) Global Const $TBM_SETPAGESIZE = ($TWM_USER + 21) Global Const $TBM_SETPOS = ($TWM_USER + 5) Global Const $TBM_SETRANGE = ($TWM_USER + 6) Global Const $TBM_SETRANGEMAX = ($TWM_USER + 8) Global Const $TBM_SETRANGEMIN = ($TWM_USER + 7) Global Const $TBM_SETSEL = ($TWM_USER + 10) Global Const $TBM_SETSELEND = ($TWM_USER + 12) Global Const $TBM_SETSELSTART = ($TWM_USER + 11) Global Const $TBM_SETTHUMBLENGTH = ($TWM_USER + 27) Global Const $TBM_SETTIC = ($TWM_USER + 4) Global Const $TBM_SETTICFREQ = ($TWM_USER + 20) Global Const $TBM_SETTIPSIDE = ($TWM_USER + 31) Global Const $TBM_SETTOOLTIPS = ($TWM_USER + 29) Global Const $TBM_SETUNICODEFORMAT = 0x2000 + 5 ; Tip Side Params Global Const $TBTS_BOTTOM = 2 Global Const $TBTS_LEFT = 1 Global Const $TBTS_RIGHT = 3 Global Const $TBTS_TOP = 0 ; Control default styles Global Const $GUI_SS_DEFAULT_SLIDER = $TBS_AUTOTICKS