; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; GUI to change build-settings interactive __FLI4LVER__ ; ; Creation: lanspezi 2005-04-09 ; $Id$ ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include-once Dim $_i_dir_config Dim $_i_dir_build Dim $_cb_verbose Dim $_cb_filesonly Dim $_c_drive Dim $_r_floppymode_normal Dim $_r_floppymode_safe Dim $_cb_remoteupdate Dim $_i_remotehostname Dim $_i_remoteusername Dim $_i_sshkeyfile Dim $_i_remotepathname Dim $_i_remoteport Dim $_sshkeyfile Dim $_lockfilesonly Dim $boot_type Dim $_i_boot_type Dim $bool_hdinstall_enable Dim $_cb_hdinstall Dim $_c_hddrive Func dlg_mkfli4l_conf () Dim $win_dlg_mkfli4l_conf Dim $_dir_config Dim $_force_changedirconfig $_force_changedirconfig = 0 msg_lang_read ("dlg_mkfli4l_conf") parse_mkfli4l_conf (0) if $bool_error = "false" Then parse_cmd_option () $_dir_config = $dir_config $_dir_build = $dir_build $_sshkeyfile = $sshkeyfile If (is_dual_screen () = 0 ) then $win_dlg_mkfli4l_conf = GUICreate("fli4l-Build - Options",525,390,-1,-1, _ BitOr ($WS_POPUPWINDOW,$WS_CAPTION), -1 ,$win_fli4l_build) Else $win_dlg_mkfli4l_conf = GUICreate("fli4l-Build - Options",525,390,15,15, _ BitOr ($WS_POPUPWINDOW,$WS_CAPTION), -1 ,$win_fli4l_build) EndIf GUISetIcon("windows\fli4l.ico") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Config-Dir:", 10, 20, 50) $_i_dir_config = GUICtrlCreateInput ($_dir_config, 80, 15, 360) GUICtrlSetState($_i_dir_config,$GUI_DISABLE) $_b_dir_config = GUICtrlCreateButton ("...", 450, 15, 20, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $MSG_08TT_btnconfigdir) GUICtrlCreateLabel ($MSG_08_dirconfiginfo1 & @CRLF & $MSG_08_dirconfiginfo2, 10,50,480,29) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x990000) $tab=GUICtrlCreateTab (10,100, 505, 180) $tab0=GUICtrlCreateTabitem (" Build ") GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Build-Dir:", 20, 145, 50) $_i_dir_build = GUICtrlCreateInput ($_dir_build, 110, 140, 360) GUICtrlSetState($_i_dir_build,$GUI_DISABLE) $_b_dir_build = GUICtrlCreateButton ("...", 480, 140, 20, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $MSG_08TT_btnbuilddir) If FileExists ($dir_config & "\base.txt") then $boot_type = read_var_from_base ("BOOT_TYPE=",$dummy) else $boot_type = "" EndIf GUICtrlCreateLabel ("BOOT_TYPE:", 20,175,100) $_i_boot_type = GUICtrlCreateInput ($boot_type, 110,170,80) GUICtrlSetState($_i_boot_type,$GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Verbose:", 20, 205, 60) $_cb_verbose = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("", 110, 200, 20, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $MSG_08TT_verbose) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Filesonly:", 280, 175, 60) $_cb_filesonly = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("", 370, 170, 20, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $MSG_08TT_filesonly) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Remoteupdate:", 280, 205, 80) $_cb_remoteupdate = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("", 370, 200, 20, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $MSG_08TT_remoteupdate) GUICtrlCreateIcon ("windows\fli4l.ico",-1, 470,240,32,32) $tab1=GUICtrlCreateTabitem (" Floppy ") GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Drive:", 20, 145, 60) $_c_drive = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("", 110,140,60,100) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $MSG_08TT_drive) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Floppymode:", 20, 175, 60) GUIStartGroup() $_r_floppymode_normal = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("normal",110,170,60,20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $MSG_08TT_floppy_normal) $_r_floppymode_safe = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("safe",110,190,60,20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $MSG_08TT_floppy_safe) GUIStartGroup() GUICtrlCreateIcon ("windows\scripts\ico_floppy.ico",-1, 470,240,32,32) $tab2=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ( " Remoteupdate ") GUICtrlCreateLabel ("RemoteHostname:", 20, 145, 90) $_i_remotehostname = GUICtrlCreateInput ($remotehostname, 120, 140, 120) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $MSG_08TT_remotehostname) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("RemoteUsername:", 20, 175, 90) $_i_remoteusername = GUICtrlCreateInput ($remoteusername, 120, 170, 120) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $MSG_08TT_remoteusername) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("RemotePath:", 280, 145, 90) $_i_remotepathname = GUICtrlCreateInput ($remotepathname, 380, 140, 120) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $MSG_08TT_remotepathname) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("RemotePort:", 280, 175, 90) $_i_remoteport = GUICtrlCreateInput ($remoteport, 380, 170, 120) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $MSG_08TT_remoteport) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("SSH-Keyfile:", 20, 205, 90) $_i_sshkeyfile = GUICtrlCreateInput ($_sshkeyfile, 120, 200, 320) GUICtrlSetState($_i_sshkeyfile,$GUI_DISABLE) $_b_sshkeyfile = GUICtrlCreateButton ("...", 455,200,20,20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $MSG_08TT_btn_sshfile) $_b_sshkeyfileclear = GUICtrlCreateButton ("c", 480,200,20,20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $MSG_08TT_btn_sshfileclear) GUICtrlCreateIcon ("windows\scripts\ico_scp.ico",-1, 470,240,32,32) ;$tab3=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ( " Netboot / PXEboot ") ;GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Not available / Nicht verfügbar / Niet beschikbaar",120,170) $tab4=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ( " HD-pre-install ") Global $drive_list = "" $drive_list_get = DriveGetDrive( "REMOVABLE" ) If NOT @error Then For $i = 1 to $drive_list_get[0] If $drive_list_get[$i] <> "a:" and $drive_list_get[$i] <> "b:" then $drive_list = $drive_list & "|" & $drive_list_get[$i] EndIf Next EndIf GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Activate HD-Install:", 20, 145, 120) $_cb_hdinstall = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ("", 150, 140, 20, 20) ;GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $MSG_08TT_hdinstall) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Drive for HD-Install:", 20, 175, 120) $_c_hddrive = GUICtrlCreateCombo ("", 150,170,60,100) GUICtrlSetData($_c_hddrive ,$drive_list,StringRight($drive_list,2)) ;GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $MSG_08TT_hddrive) GUICtrlCreateIcon ("windows\scripts\ico_build.ico",-1, 470,240,32,32) If $drive_list = "" then $bool_hdinstall_enable = "false" Else $bool_hdinstall_enable = "true" EndIf GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("") ; end tabitem definition GUICtrlSetState($tab0,$GUI_SHOW) $_b_savemkfli4lconf = GUICtrlCreateButton ($MSG_08_savemkfli4lconf, 100,300,325,20) $_b_abort = GUICtrlCreateButton ($MSG_08_btnabort, 25, 345, 200, 25) $_b_build = GUICtrlCreateButton ($MSG_08_btnbuild, 300, 345, 200, 25, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) check_boottype () parse_mkfli4l_conf (1) If @OSType <> "WIN32_NT" Then ; Workaround mouseproblem W9x WinSetState("fli4l-Build - Options","",@SW_HIDE) WinSetState("fli4l-Build - Options","",@SW_SHOW) EndIf parse_cmd_option () set_data_to_controls () $_filesonly_start = $bool_filesonly ; check existance of /base.txt and enable or disable Start-button If NOT FileExists ($_dir_config & "\base.txt") then GUICtrlSetState($_b_build,$GUI_DISABLE) $_force_changedirconfig = 1 EndIf If NOT FileExists ($_dir_config) then $_force_changedirconfig = 1 EndIf If $bool_force_select_config = "true" then $_force_changedirconfig = 1 EndIf Dim $_bool_filesonly = -1 Dim $_remoteupdate_state_old = -1 Dim $_filesonly_state_old = -1 Dim $hdinstall_state_old = -1 While 1 If $bool_hdinstall_enable = "true" and ( $boot_type = "hd" or $boot_type = "ls120" ) then $hdinstall_state = GUICtrlRead ($_cb_hdinstall) If $hdinstall_state <> $hdinstall_state_old then If $hdinstall_state = 1 then GUICtrlSetState($_c_hddrive,$GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_cb_remoteupdate,0) Else GUICtrlSetState($_c_hddrive,$GUI_DISABLE) EndIf $hdinstall_state_old = $hdinstall_state EndIf EndIf $_remoteupdate_state = GUICtrlRead ($_cb_remoteupdate) if $_remoteupdate_state <> $_remoteupdate_state_old then $_remoteupdate_state_old = $_remoteupdate_state if $_remoteupdate_state = 1 then ;checked GUICtrlSetState($_i_remotehostname,$GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_i_remoteusername,$GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_b_sshkeyfile,$GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_b_sshkeyfileclear,$GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_i_remotepathname,$GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_i_remoteport,$GUI_ENABLE) If $_lockfilesonly = "false" Then GUICtrlSetState($_cb_filesonly,$GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_cb_filesonly,$GUI_CHECKED) $bool_filesonly = "true" EndIf GUICtrlSetState($tab2,$GUI_SHOW) else ;unchecked GUICtrlSetState($_i_remotehostname,$GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_i_remoteusername,$GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_b_sshkeyfile,$GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_b_sshkeyfileclear,$GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_i_remotepathname,$GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_i_remoteport,$GUI_DISABLE) If $_lockfilesonly = "false" Then GUICtrlSetState($_cb_filesonly,$GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_cb_filesonly,$GUI_UNCHECKED) $bool_filesonly = "false" EndIf EndIf EndIf If $_filesonly_start <> "" then $bool_filesonly = $_filesonly_start $_filesonly_start = "" If $bool_filesonly = "true" then GUICtrlSetState($_cb_filesonly,$GUI_CHECKED) EndIf EndIf $_filesonly_state = GUICtrlRead ($_cb_filesonly) if $_filesonly_state <> $_filesonly_state_old then $_filesonly_state_old = $_filesonly_state if $_filesonly_state = 1 then ;checked GUICtrlSetState($_r_floppymode_normal,$GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_r_floppymode_safe,$GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_c_drive,$GUI_DISABLE) else ;unchecked GUICtrlSetState($_r_floppymode_normal,$GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_r_floppymode_safe,$GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_c_drive,$GUI_ENABLE) EndIf EndIf $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $_b_dir_config OR $_force_changedirconfig = 1 then $_force_changedirconfig = 0 GUISetState ( @SW_DISABLE , $win_dlg_mkfli4l_conf) $_dir_config_tmp = change_config_dir ($_dir_config) GUISetState ( @SW_ENABLE , $win_dlg_mkfli4l_conf) WinActivate("fli4l-Build - Options", "") if $_dir_config_tmp <> "" then If FileExists ($_dir_config_tmp & "\base.txt") then GUICtrlSetData ($_i_dir_config,$_dir_config_tmp) $dir_config = $_dir_config_tmp $_dir_config = $dir_config parse_mkfli4l_conf (0) If @OSType <> "WIN32_NT" Then ; Workaround mouseproblem W9x WinSetState("fli4l-Build - Options","",@SW_HIDE) WinSetState("fli4l-Build - Options","",@SW_SHOW) EndIf WinActivate("fli4l-Build - Options", "") parse_cmd_option () $_filesonly_start = $bool_filesonly $_remoteupdate_tmp = $remoteupdate $dir_config = $_dir_config_tmp check_boottype () $remoteupdate = $_remoteupdate_tmp set_data_to_controls () GUICtrlSetState($_b_build,$GUI_ENABLE) else MsgBox (0,$MSG_msgbox_error, $MSG_08_nobasetxt & @CRLF & $_dir_config) EndIf EndIf EndIf If $msg = $_b_dir_build then GUISetState ( @SW_DISABLE , $win_dlg_mkfli4l_conf) $_dir_build_tmp = change_build_dir ($_dir_build) GUISetState ( @SW_ENABLE , $win_dlg_mkfli4l_conf) WinActivate("fli4l-Build - Options", "") sleep (1000) if $_dir_build_tmp <> "" then If FileExists ($_dir_build_tmp & "\") then GUICtrlSetData ($_i_dir_build,$_dir_build_tmp) $_dir_build = $_dir_build_tmp EndIf EndIf EndIf If $msg = $_b_sshkeyfile then $_my_workdir = @WorkingDir GUISetState ( @SW_DISABLE , $win_dlg_mkfli4l_conf) $_sshkeyfile_tmp = change_sshkeyfile ($_sshkeyfile) GUISetState ( @SW_ENABLE , $win_dlg_mkfli4l_conf) WinActivate("fli4l-Build - Options", "") sleep (1000) FileChangeDir($_my_workdir) If $_sshkeyfile_tmp <> "-1" then GUICtrlSetData ($_i_sshkeyfile,$_sshkeyfile_tmp) $_sshkeyfile = $_sshkeyfile_tmp EndIf EndIf If $msg = $_b_sshkeyfileclear then GUICtrlSetData ($_i_sshkeyfile,"") $_sshkeyfile = "" EndIf If $msg = $_b_savemkfli4lconf then use_data_for_build () save_mkfli4lconf () EndIf If $msg = $_b_build then If check_drive_for_hdinstall () then ;set all data from dlg to vars use_data_for_build () ; ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE OR $msg = $_b_abort Then $bool_build_abort = "true" ExitLoop EndIf Wend GUIDelete() EndIF EndFunc Func change_config_dir ($dir) $result = FileSelectFolder ( $MSG_08_changedirconfig, "" , 0 , $dir ) Return $result EndFunc Func change_build_dir ($dir) $result = FileSelectFolder ( $MSG_08_changedirbuild, "" , 2 , $dir ) Return $result EndFunc Func change_sshkeyfile ($file) $result = FileOpenDialog ( $MSG_00_changesshkey,$file, "SSH-Keyfile (*.*)", 1+3) If @error then Return "-1" else Return $result EndIf EndFunc Func check_boottype () If FileExists ($dir_config & "\base.txt") then $boot_type = read_var_from_base ("BOOT_TYPE=",$dummy) Else $boot_type = "" EndIf If StringLeft ($boot_type, 2) = "fd" or StringLeft ($boot_type, 4) = "dual" or _ $boot_type = "attached" or $boot_type = "integrated" then ; enable remoteupdate -> enable remoteupdate* GUICtrlSetState($_cb_remoteupdate,$GUI_ENABLE) ; unset remoteupdate $remoteupdate = "false" EndIf If $boot_type = "hd" then ; enable remoteupdate -> remotupdate* GUICtrlSetState($_cb_remoteupdate,$GUI_ENABLE) ; unset remoteupdate $remoteupdate = "false" EndIf If $boot_type = "cd" or $boot_type = "netboot" or $boot_type = "pxeboot" or $boot_type = "cdemul" then ; disable remoteupdate -> disable remoteupdate* GUICtrlSetState($_cb_remoteupdate,$GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($_cb_remoteupdate,$GUI_DISABLE) ; unset remoteupdate $remoteupdate = "false" EndIf EndFunc Func set_data_to_controls () GUICtrlSetData ($_i_dir_build, $dir_build) If $verbose = "true" then GUICtrlSetState($_cb_verbose,$GUI_CHECKED) else GUICtrlSetState($_cb_verbose,$GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf If $bool_filesonly = "true" then GUICtrlSetState($_cb_filesonly,$GUI_CHECKED) else GUICtrlSetState($_cb_filesonly,$GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($_c_drive ,"|a:|b:",$drive) If $suffix = "-s" then GUICtrlSetState($_r_floppymode_safe,$GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($_r_floppymode_normal,$GUI_CHECKED) EndIf If $remoteupdate = "true" then GUICtrlSetState($_cb_remoteupdate,$GUI_CHECKED) else GUICtrlSetState($_cb_remoteupdate,$GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf GUICtrlSetData ($_i_remotehostname,$remotehostname) GUICtrlSetData ($_i_sshkeyfile,$sshkeyfile) GUICtrlSetData ($_i_remoteusername,$remoteusername) GUICtrlSetData ($_i_remotepathname,$remotepathname) GUICtrlSetData ($_i_remoteport,$remoteport) GUICtrlSetData ($_i_boot_type, $boot_type) If $bool_hdinstall_enable = "true" and ($boot_type = "hd" or $boot_type="integrated" or $boot_type="ls120" ) then GUICtrlSetState($_cb_hdinstall,$GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_c_hddrive,$GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($_cb_hdinstall,$GUI_UNCHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($_cb_hdinstall,$GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($_c_hddrive,$GUI_DISABLE) EndIf EndFunc Func use_data_for_build () $tmp = GUICtrlRead ($_i_dir_build) If $tmp <> "" then $dir_build = $tmp EndIf If GUICtrlRead($_cb_verbose) = $GUI_UNCHECKED then $verbose = "false" else $verbose = "true" EndIf If GUICtrlRead($_cb_filesonly) = $GUI_UNCHECKED then $bool_filesonly = "false" else $bool_filesonly = "true" EndIf $drive = GUICtrlRead ($_c_drive) If GUICtrlRead($_r_floppymode_safe) = $GUI_UNCHECKED then $suffix = "" else $suffix = "-s" EndIf If GUICtrlRead ($_cb_remoteupdate) = $GUI_UNCHECKED then $remoteupdate = "false" else $remoteupdate = "true" $tmp = GUICtrlRead ($_i_remotehostname) If $tmp <> "" then $remotehostname = $tmp EndIf $tmp = GUICtrlRead ($_i_remoteusername) If $tmp <> "" then $remoteusername = $tmp EndIf $sshkeyfile = GUICtrlRead ($_i_sshkeyfile) $tmp = GUICtrlRead ($_i_remotepathname) If $tmp <> "" then $remotepathname = $tmp EndIf $tmp = GUICtrlRead ($_i_remoteport) If $tmp <> "" then $remoteport = $tmp EndIf EndIf $bool_do_hdinstall = "false" If GUICtrlRead ($_cb_hdinstall) = $GUI_CHECKED then $tmp = GUICtrlRead ($_c_hddrive) If $tmp <> "" then $drive_hdinstall = $tmp $bool_do_hdinstall = "true" EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func check_drive_for_hdinstall () Dim $drive_list_system Dim $tmp Dim $res If GUICtrlRead ($_cb_hdinstall) = $GUI_CHECKED then $tmp = StringLeft (GUICtrlRead ($_c_hddrive),1) $drive_list_system = StringLeft (@AppDataCommonDir, 1) & StringLeft (@DesktopCommonDir, 1) & _ StringLeft (@DocumentsCommonDir, 1) & StringLeft (@FavoritesCommonDir, 1) & _ StringLeft (@ProgramsCommonDir, 1) & StringLeft (@StartMenuCommonDir, 1) & _ StringLeft (@StartupCommonDir, 1) & StringLeft (@AppDataDir, 1) & _ StringLeft (@DesktopDir, 1) & StringLeft (@MyDocumentsDir, 1) & _ StringLeft (@FavoritesDir, 1) & StringLeft (@ProgramsDir, 1) & _ StringLeft (@StartMenuDir, 1) & StringLeft (@StartupDir, 1) & _ StringLeft (@UserProfileDir, 1) & StringLeft (@HomeDrive, 1) & _ StringLeft (@ProgramFilesDir, 1) & StringLeft (@CommonFilesDir, 1) & _ StringLeft (@WindowsDir, 1) & StringLeft (@SystemDir, 1) & _ StringLeft (@TempDir, 1) If $tmp <> "" then If Not StringInStr($drive_list,$tmp,0) then If StringInStr($drive_list_system,$tmp,0) then MsgBox (0,"Warning", "You have selected a drive with systemdata. Please select another drive for hd-install!") Return false EndIf $res = MsgBox (1+64,"Warning", "The selected drive is not removable media! Are you sure, you want to continue hd-install on drive "& $tmp &": ?") If $res <> 1 then Return false EndIf EndIf Else Return false EndIf EndIf Return true EndFunc Func save_mkfli4lconf () $_error = 0 ; first save old mkfli4l.conf If FileExists ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf") then $_res = FileCopy ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", $dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf.save",1) If $_res = 0 then $_error = 1 EndIf EndIf If $_error = 0 then ; remove old mkfli4l.conf If FileExists ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf") then $_res = FileDelete ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf") If $_res = 0 then $_error = 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf If $_error = 0 then $_res = FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "##-----------------------------------------------------------------------------") If $_res = 0 then $_error = 1 EndIf EndIf If $_error = 0 then FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "## mkfli4l.conf - fli4l build parameters __FLI4LVER__") FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "##") FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "## Creation: fli4l-windows-build") FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "##-----------------------------------------------------------------------------") FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "BUILDDIR='" & $dir_build & "'") If $verbose = "true" then FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "VERBOSE='yes'") Else FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "VERBOSE='no'") EndIf FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "DRIVE='" & $drive & "'") If $suffix = "" then FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "FLOPPYMODE='normal'") Else FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "FLOPPYMODE='safe'") EndIf If $bool_filesonly = "true" then FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "FILESONLY='yes'") Else FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "FILESONLY='no'") EndIf If $remoteupdate = "true" then FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "REMOTEUPDATE='yes'") Else FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "REMOTEUPDATE='no'") EndIf FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "REMOTEHOSTNAME='" & $remotehostname & "'") FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "REMOTEUSERNAME='" & $remoteusername & "'") FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "REMOTEPATHNAME='" & $remotepathname & "'") FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "REMOTEPORT='" & $remoteport & "'") FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "SSHKEYFILE='" & $sshkeyfile & "'") FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "#TFTPBOOTPATH='/tftpboot'") FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "#TFTPBOOTIMAGE=''") FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "#PXESUBDIR='fli4l'") FileWriteLine ($dir_config & "\mkfli4l.conf", "DISABLE_OPTION_GUI='no'") MsgBox (64,$MSG_msgbox_info, $MSG_08_savemkfli4ldone) Else MsgBox (16, $MSG_msgbox_error, $MSG_08_savemkfli4lerror) EndIf EndFunc