Changes DYNDNS ============== WARNING: Since opt_dyndns was integrated into fli4l, the version numbering has changed, so the old versions are prefixed with "OLD:" OLD: 2.2.0pre2 -------------- 31.12.2002 tobig - Started new changelog, in english - removed:, - cleaned up some source files - update will only be performed if there was an ip-change since last call 18.01.2003 tobig - fixed chmod-error - removed very strange logging bug, jammed up rootfs with hdinstall - added a new documentation - cgi-script is only added when DYNDNS_SAVE_OUTPUT='yes' - removed OLD: 2.2.0pre3 -------------- 20.01.2003 tobig - simplified gnudip-http - added gnudip-tcp - added - more specific opt/dyndns.txt (copy base64 only when needed) - added OLD: 2.2.0pre4 -------------- 08.02.2003 tobig - corrected dyndnsdk and dynee (thanks to Alexander Reichmann ) 15.02.2003 tobig - removed gnudip-tcp, it was to ugly and not really working - added - hey, this #!$%§& shell has a builtin test which doesn't know about -e, changed to -f - simplified cgi-script 28.02.2003 tobig - added "Connection: close" to http-headers - higher timeout 26.03.2003 tobig - added Companity ( - added 16.04.2003 tobig - added docs for OLD: 2.2.0pre5 -------------- 21.04.2003 tobig - corrected docs for 17.05.2003 tobig - removed - corrected pricing of DtDNS - corrected pricing of RegFish 22.05.2003 tobig - new hosts for 19.06.2003 tobig - added 04.07.2003 tobig - added 2 new hostnames for to doc 30.07.2003 tobig - changed port for to 8245 for the blocked T-Online subnets 15.08.2003 tobig - added new hosts for 21.08.2003 tobig - another small change for dynee 16.09.2003 tobig - moved update process to own file for further enhancements 22.09.2003 tobig - added licence pointer to all files - fix for MinixFS - cleaned up CGI & providerr files - changed to give current IP to providers who need this - updated binaries to uclibc 0.9.20 (fli4l 2.1.4) - updated build system to fli4l 2.1.4 OLD: 2.2.0pre6 -------------- 05.02.2004 tobig - fix for fli4l 2.1.5 (thanks to mrverbose) 22.03.2004 tobig - added support for different circuits - replaced md5sum from textutils with md5 from asmutils (683 bytes!) 10.04.2004 tobig - updated binaries to uclibc 0.9.26 (fli4l > 2.1.6) 03.05.2004 tobig - updated provider DYNEE, it is now DYNSERV - removed older fixes OLD: 2.2.0pre7 -------------- 17.05.2004 tobig - added pretty=0 to dynserv URL 09.06.2004 tobig - added provider noxaDynDNS - added description how to add your own provider 20.06.2004 tobig - updated No-IP to match their current software (Linux client v2.1.1) 05.08.2004 tobig - Fixed typo - Added all free domains for (thanks to IceMan) 09.08.2004 tobig - Fixed a potential security problem with GnuDip OLD: 2.2.0pre8 -------------- 01.09.2004 tobig - changed provider.DYNDNSDK to fulfill promise made in docs 11.09.2004 tobig - changed name of ip-up script for fli4l 2.1.8 2.1.10 ------ 28.03.2005 tobig - integrated into fli4l repository - use md5sum from busybox 2.1.12 ------ 06.10.2005 babel - add DNSRV and DYNDCX provided by Thilo Gass 22.10.2005 hh - add TLINK provided by Michael Wenger 05.11.2005 tobig - minor fixes - removed fidosoft (dead) - sort documentation - update MX-handling of 12.11.2005 tobig - update selfhost 2.1.13 ------ 06.12.2005 hh - add security check for DYNDNS Web-GUI 3.0.0: ------ 3.0.1: ------ 05.02.2006 tobig - fix noxa 3.1.0: ------ 24.02.2006 tobig - removed dead HAMMERNODE 02.03.2006 hh - fix dynaccess (patch provided by Michael Wenger) 20.03.2006 hh - added DynDNS Custom Service 3.1.1: ------ 3.1.2: ------ 20.03.2007 nico - added provider Strato 3.1.3: ------ 3.1.4: ------ 2007-09-11 lanspezi - added provider HOSTEASY (provided by Christoph Fritsch) 3.3.0: ------ 2008-01-05 lanspezi - added provider INBERLIN (see 2008-01-12 tobig - remove provider DNSRV, since it was a duplicate of HOSTEASY - minor fixes 2008-03-09 frankr - add suport for languages files - add link to run a manual update of dyndns-record form webif 2008-06-25 arwin - add doc in french, translated by Bernard Charrier 2008-08-07 lanspezi - add provider DYNDNSFREE (provided by Thilo Gass) 2008-09-13 jh - add provider DNSOMATIC, a service of OpenDNS 3.3.1: ------ - rewritten to provide better error checking - ip-up runs dyndns-update in background, one after the other or in parallel if one update takes to long - dyndns-update-sh - now supports several methods to update an account and falls back to other methods if one failes - now detects permanent errors and disables updates until the problem is solved - enforces a minimal wait time between updates - supports an enforced update after n days even if the ip did not change - cgi interface - displays current state - allows to enforce an update - allows to enable methods or accounts if they are disabled - shows date/time and result of last update attempt - still needs help with error checking patterns, so user feedback is necessary 3.3.2: ------ - query DNS to get currently registered ip after reboot to prevent unnecessary updates - this is only used after reboot iff there is no information about the currently registered IP is available so this can only lead to a skipped update, not to unnecessary updates as described on 3.4.1: ------ 2009-05-07 - arwin - update base64 to version 1.5 3.5.0: ------ 2009-07-30 - gdw - added provider 3.6.0: ------ 2011-04-29 - release of stable version 3.6.1: ------ 3.6.2: ------