NETWMASK = '(RE:IPADDR):(RE:IPADDR)' : 'no valid network specification, should be a network address followed by a netmask, for instance' EYESNO = '()|(RE:YESNO)' : 'neither numeric (decimal) nor empty' FRAGMENT = '512' : 'must be a fragmentation of 512 Bytes' EFRAGMENT = '()|(RE:FRAGMENT)' : 'neither 512 nor empty' DIJKSTRA = '(RE:NUMERIC) (RE:DOT_NUMERIC)' : 'numeric (decimal) with space and followed by dot numeric' EDIJKSTRA = '()|(RE:DIJKSTRA)' : 'neither numeric (decimal) with space and followed by dot numeric nor empty' EMACADDR = '()|(RE:MACADDR)' : 'neither set a valid BSSID nor empty (no fix BSSID)' MULT_IPADDR = 'default|(RE:IPADDR)' : 'neither default or a valid IP address' PHONE_NUMERIC = '[0-9]*' : 'neither 00493012345 without spaces or 03012345' EPHONE_NUMERIC = '()|(RE:PHONE_NUMERIC)' : 'neither 00493012345 or 03012345 without spaces or empty' MAP_UPDATE = 'minute|hourly|daily|monthly' : 'neither minute or hourly or daily or monthly' URLTARGET = '_blank|_self|_parent|_top' : 'neither _blank or _self or _parent or _top' EURLTARGET = '()|(RE:URLTARGET)' : 'neither _blank or _self or _parent or _top or empty' FREIFUNK_IP = '(RE:IPADDR)' : 'use either an ip address or a reference to one of the IP_NET_x-Variables (i.e. IP_NET_1_IPADDR)' FREIFUNK_LINKORDER = '[5-9][0-9]' : 'range between 50 and 99' FF_REDISTRIBUTE = 'system|kernel|connect|static|rip|ripng|ospf|ospf6|isis|bgp|hsls' : 'neither system or kernel or connect or static or rip or ripng or ospf or ospf6 or isis or bgp or hsls' FF_ROUTES = 'only|both' : 'either only or both' FF_TRUE_FALSE = 'true|false' : 'either true or false' OLSR_SOURCE = 'olsr' : 'Only olsr is possible' +RRDTOOL_SOURCE = '(RE:OLSR_SOURCE)' : 'Only olsr is possible'