GUILANG = 'auto|(RE:LANG)([[:space:]](RE:LANG))*' : 'language is not available, please choose between "auto" (get language from LOCALE) and "en", "de", "fr" or "nl"' GUISKIN = 'default' : 'No valid skin selected! Please use one of the following: default' HTTPD_LISTENIP = 'IP_NET_[1-9]?[0-9]_IPADDR' : 'Please use a references to one of the IP_NET_x variables like IP_NET_1_IPADDR' HTTPD_LISTENIPS = '(RE:HTTPD_LISTENIP)([[:space:]]+(RE:HTTPD_LISTENIP))*' : 'Please use a references to one or more of the IP_NET_x variables like IP_NET_1_IPADDR' OAC_INPUT = 'no|default|((tcp|udp):)?(RE:NUM_INT)([[:space:]]+((tcp|udp):)?(RE:NUM_INT))*' : 'Please use either no, default, or a set of ports or tcp:port/udp:port tuples seperated by spaces' FW_OAC_CHAIN = 'oac-chain' : 'no errormessage yet' +FW_INPUT_RULE = 'RE:FW_OAC_CHAIN' : 'no errormessage yet' +FW_FORWARD_RULE = 'RE:FW_OAC_CHAIN' : 'no errormessage yet' +FW_ACTION = 'RE:FW_OAC_CHAIN' : 'no errormessage yet'