[General] Local=Local LocalHint=Show the local stored logfile Router=Router RouterHint=Show the logfile stored on the router Reset=&Reset Online=Online Offline=Offline NotConnected=Not connected Dialing=Dialling Dial=&Dial Hangup=Hang&up Open=Open SaveAs=Save As Save=Save AllFiles=All files RegFiles=Reg-files Scripts=Scripts WaveFiles=Wave-Files ConnectingToServer=Connecting to server! OK=&OK Abort=&Cancel Add=&Add Modify=&Modify Delete=&Delete Help=&Help All=All Close=&Close StayOnTop=&StayOnTop Export=&Export Copy=&Copy table [Summary] Summary=Summary Channels=Channels Date=Date CPU=CPU Synchronize=&Synchronize SynchronizeHint=Synchronize local time with router time AdminMode=&Admin AdminModeHint=Switch to admin-mode DefaultRoute=Default route Config=Con&fig Dialmode=Dialmode Auto=Auto Off=Off Manual=Manual Dial=&Dial Hangup=Hang&up Addlink=Add &link Remlink=Rem &link Reboot=&Reboot RebootHint=Reboot router Halt=Hal&t HaltHint=Shutdown router PowerOff=&PowerOff PowerOffHint=Shutdown and power off router Exit=E&xit ExitHint=Exit program CopyIP=Copy &IP CurrentCircuit=&Current circuit LastIncomingCall=Last incoming call Uptime=Uptime day=day days=days RunSince=Router runs since %s Rank=Rank: ConfigMode=&Config [GridSummary] Connection=Connection Direction=Direction IP=IP IBytes=IBytes OBytes=OBytes OnlTime=OnlTime Time=Time ChTime=ChTime Charge=Charge [Connections] Connections=Connections [GridConnections] Circuit=Circuit StartTime=StartTime StartDate=StartDate EndDate=EndDate EndTime=EndTime [Calls] Calls=Calls Refresh=Re&fresh Phonenumber=take over &phonenumber MSN=take over &MSN from=from to=to [GridCalls] Date=Date Time=Time CallingNumber=Calling Number CalledNumber=Called Number Comment=Comment [EMail] EMail=Email MailsOnServer=Mails on the server CheckNow=&Check Now RunClient=&Run Client Log=Log EMailSummary=&Email Summary [GridEMail] Server=Server No=No From=From Address=Address Subject=Subject Bytes=Bytes ID=MessageID [Error] Error=Errors [GridError] Cat=Cat Description=Description [TimeTable] TimeTable=TimeTable [GridTimeTable] Su=Su Mo=Mo Tu=Tu We=We Th=Th Fr=Fr Sa=Sa No=No Name=Name LCR=LCR DRoute=DRoute Device=Device ChMin=Ch/Min ChInt=ChInt [RemoteUpdate] RemoteUpdate=Remote Update TransfertoRouter=Transfer to router Root-Filesystem=Root-Filesystem Opt-File=Opt-File rccfg=rc.cfg Configuration=Configuration Directoryoffli4l=Directory of fli4l: configtxt=Config files subdirectory: Edit=&Edit Start=&Start Transfer=Which files should be transfered to the router [portfw.sh] portfwsh=Portforwarding Download=&Download DownloadHint=Download script from router Upload=&Upload UploadHint=Upload script to router [Gridportfw] proto=Proto destport=DestPort srcport=SrcPort desthost=DestHost srchost=SrcHost [Files] Files=Files File=File: [GridCircuitConfig] Circuit=Circuit Device=Device Hup-timeout=Hup-timeout [About] About=About SystemInfo=&SystemInfo Prog=imonc was programmed by: Comment=(until version 1.4pre4) Dank=Thanks to: Component=Component Licence=&Licence [Licence] Caption=Imonc licence Close=&Close [Account] Account=Account Name=Name POP3Server=POP3-Server UserID=UserID Password=Password [CircuitConfig] Caption=Configure circuits [SysInfo] Caption=System Information Router=Router System=System CPU=CPU: Mem=Phys. Memory: Win=Windows-Ver: Supp=&Support Infos inst=installed notinst=not installed Version=Version Port=Port [Names] Caption=Phonebook FromRouterHint=Synchronize from Router ToRouterHint=Synchronize to Router File=File ToFileHint=Synchronize to local file FromFileHint=Synchronize from local file [Password] Caption=Password required Password=Password: Store=Store Password [Program] Program=Program Name=Name Filename=Filename Parameter=Parameter OpenDialog=Searching [Syslog] Caption=Syslog Emergency=Emergency Alert=Alert Critical=Critical Error=Error Warning=Warning Notice=Notice Info=Info Debug=Debug [GridSyslog] IP=IP Message=Message Level=Level [ConfigSyslog] Caption=Syslog Active=Activate Syslog-Client Show=Show all messages above level Log=Log Syslog-Messages in a file: Syslog-file=Select Syslog-file Items=Log: Firewall=Firewall Remain=Remain Portnames=Show portnames FirewallUser=Show firewall-messages in user-mode [ConfigTrafficInfo] Caption=Traffic ShowTrafficInfo=Show separate traffic info ShowTrafficInfo2=&Show traffic info ShowTitle=Show Title ShowCPU=Show CPU-loading in title ShowOT=Show online-time in title Colors=Colours Channel=Channel Download=Download Upload=Upload Limits=Limits Up=Upload: Down=Download: Transparent=Semi-transparent window Transparent2=(0-255, 0 transparent, 255 opaque) DSL=DSL kbit=kbit/s [ConfigLaunchList] Caption=LaunchList Programs=Programs Activate=Activate LaunchList [ConfigFTP] Caption=Admin Pass=root-Password: Filesonrouter=Files on router to display configfiles=Configure files showdirectory=Show directory editor=Open files in editor [ConfigEMails] Caption=Emails Accounts=Acc&ounts EnableCheck=Enable Check CheckEMail=&Check Email Checkevery=Check every Min=Min Sec=Sec TimeOut=TimeOut Offline=Check even if the router is offline Circuittouse=Circuit to use StayOnline=Stay online after email check LoadEMailHeader=Load email header RunClient=Run email client program EMailClient=Email client: Param=Param: OnlyNew=Notify only new emails Delay=Delay [ConfigSound] Caption=Sound Hint=Select wave-file CallNotification=Call Notification: EMail=Email: EMailError=Email error: ConnectionLost=Connection Lost: OnConnect=OnConnect: OnDisconnect=OnDisconnect: FaxNotification=Fax Notification: [ConfigCallNotification] Caption=Calls Show=Show Call notification Activate=Activate call notification Seconds=Display time: Fontsize=Fontsize: Color=Colour: Zero=Delete leading zero (for private exchanges) Areacode=Own areacode: Active=Active Extern=External search Phonebook=Phonebook: DontShowUnknown=Don't show if no number is submitted Telmond=Telmond, Port: Capi2Text=Capi2Text, Port: External Search=External Search CallNotification=Call Notification LogCalls=Logfile: [ConfigGeneral] Caption=General Language=Language: Confirm=Confirm router commands Hangup=Hangup with traffic Reconnect=Automatic reconnect to router sec=sec Timeout=TimeOut for router to respond: Refresh=Seconds until refresh: Synchronize=Synchronize time at startup Minimized=Start minimized Start=Start Imonc together with Windows Parameter=Parameter: CallsTitle=Select logfile for calls ConnectionsTitle=Select logfile for connections LogConnections=Log connections in a file: GetNews=Get news from fli4l.de Close=Minimize to System Tray [ConfigFax] Caption=Fax LogFax=Log Fax in a file: FaxTitle=Select logfile for fax Interval=Polling, refresh-interval: IntervalHint=The refresh time is the multiplification of this value with the refresh-interval Dir=Localdirectory: Hint=Directory wherein faxes are stored for display Updating=Updating [ConfigGrids] Caption=Grids Calls=Calls Connections=Connections Cols=Columns to show Today=Today Month=This month Days=Last days: All=All Show=Show [ConfigProxy] Proxy=Proxy HttpProxy=Http-Proxy URL=URL: Port=Port: Activate=Activate proxy-support for http-protocol [Firewall] Caption=Firewall [GridFirewall] Chain=Chain Action=Action Protocol=Protocol SourceIP=SourceIP SourcePort=SPort DesIP=DestinationIP DesPort=DPort Rule=Rule [Fax] Caption=Fax Show=&Show fax Delete=&Delete fax DeleteAll=Delete all faxes on &router [GridFax] ID=FaxID Pages=Pages Filename=Filename [Admin] Caption=Admin Clients=&Admin [AdminClients] Caption=&Clients [News] Caption=News More=&More Package=Package OptNews=Opt-News [Uptime] fli4lid=fli4l-ID uptime=Uptime version=Version nick=Nick status=Status [DynEisFair] Caption=DynEisfairLog Action=Action Result=Result Domain=Domain [Hosts] Caption=Hosts Ping=Ping [TrayIcon] Caption=TrayIcon OnlineData=Online + Data Dialmode=Show Dialmode [ErrorMessages] Nodefaultcircuit=No default circuit for this time period! imondVersion=Version of imond installed: %s, Version of imond needed: %s imondVersion2=Version of imond installed: <1.5pre1, Version needed: %s imondVersion3=Imond is newer than imonc! Imond: %s OfflineCircuit=OfflineCircuit not defined! OfflineCircuit2=OfflineCircuit %s does not exist any more! Available Circuits: CommunicationError=Communication error (%s) Timeout=TimeOut (%s) Timeout2=TimeOut Timeout3=%s: TimeOut ERR=ERR (%s) imondLogfile=Error in the remote imond-logfile. Please reset remote log-file! %s imondLogfile2=Error in the imond-logfile (field %s: %s): %s imondLogfile3=Error in the local imond-logfile (%s): %s SynchronizeFailed=Synchronisation failed! FileNotExist=File %s does not exist! FileNotOpen=File %s couldn't created or opened! TimeTable=Empty list (command: '%s') TimeTable2=Wrong format for timetable (command: '%s') DiscNotMounted=Path is not mounted! StartPrg=Cannot start %s: %s NothingSelected=Nothing selected for transfer! fli4lDir=The fli4l-directory not set! FTPPass=No FTP-password specified! ConnectionLost=Connection to Router lost! ServerNotFound=%s not found MailNotOnServer=Message not on the server any longer! AdminPass=Admin-Password required (not User-Password!) AdminPass2=Wrong Admin-Password! CircuitConfig=New value: %s, Result: %s Auth=%s: Wrong password or userid SupportInfos=Support-Infos WrongPassword=Wrong Password! (PASSWORD from base.txt needed) WrongPassword2=Wrong Password! (IMOND_PASS or IMOND_ADMIN_PASS from base.txt needed) CommError=Command: %s, Result: %s RouterRespond=Router does not respond! HostName=Cannot resolve host name %s. If %s is not the right name of your router, use the startparameter /s:name-of-your-router. Alternatively use the IP address of your router. Result=Result was %i Socket=Cannot create socket. Connect=Connection failed Winsock=Cannot find useable WINSOCK.DLL (errno = %i) ConvertError=Convertation error (%s) Syslog=UDP-Port 514 is already in use by another syslog-client! Internal=Internal error (%i) mgettyDir=Please indicate local directory for storing! LogError=%s, File: %s, Log: %s Logfile=Logfile not selected: %s Directory=Directory '%s' does not exist. Parameter=Parameter '%s' hasn't been defined, therefore set to '%s'. Spaces between parameter and value are not allowed. Faxviewer=There is no program registered in Windows to show %s-files! A possibility would be to install IrfanView. IP='%s' is not a valid IP! Port='%s' is not a valid port! Portrange='%s' is not a valid port-range! Exception=%s\n\nTerminate Imonc? Upload=Error while uploading file %s DiskFull=Error while uploading file %s - disc full? [ErrorCat] ConfigError=Configuration error DebugInfos=Debug infos ImondVersion=ImondVersion EMailError=Email error CommunicationError=Communication error ConnectionList=Connection list SynchronizeError=Synchronisation error FileError=File error TimeTableError=Timetable error RemoteUpdateError=Remote update error AuthenticationError=Authentication error FTP-Error=FTP-error CircuitError=Circuit error CriticalError=Critical error Exception=Exception error [Message] mktgz=Output of mkfli4l RemoveSecondChannel=Release second channel? AddSecondChannel=Add second channel? RebootRouter=Reboot router? Hangup=Hang up the line although there is traffic on it? Hangup2=Hangup current connection? Dial=Dial: %s DeleteLogfile=Are you sure to delete the logfile? ChangeDialmode=Set Dialmode to RetryConnect=Reconnect to router? DelMessage=Delete %s message(s)? MailDeleted=%i mail(s) deleted. Halt=Shutdown Router? AppTer=Application terminated. LocalPhonebook=No items to insert into local phonebook. LocalPhonebook2=%i items inserted into local phonebook. RemotePhonebook=No items to insert into remote phonebook. RemotePhonebook2=%i items inserted into remote phonebook. FilePhonebook=No items to insert into file '%s'. FilePhonebook2=%i items inserted into file '%s'. Servername=Please fill in a servername! Name=Please fill in a name! Filename=Please fill in a filename! EMails=%s %i(%i) Email(s) Connect=Connect to router? Replace=Replace %s with %s? Delete=Delete empty entry ('%s')? Confirm=Are you really sure? Normally you need the new rc.cfg on the router. NewFaxe=You have %i new faxes. NewFax=You have a new fax. NoDelete=Nothing to delete! DeleteFax=Delete %i fax(es) on router? DeleteFax2=Delete this fax? News=Get news from fli4l.de? Therefor a connection to fli4l.de at port 80 will be established after dialup once a day to get http://www.fli4l.de/german/news.txt . This decision can be changed every time with config-dialog box. Proxy=Please fill in the proxy-server! [MessageCat] Confirmation=Confirmation Error=Error Info=Info