#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # samba_lpd.exp - samba_lpd check definitions __FLI4LVER__ # # Last Update: $Id$ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SMB_NAME = '([A-Za-z0-9]){1,8}' : 'no valid smb_name, use only 1 to 8 characters or digits without umlauts...' SMB_PRINTERNAME = '()|(RE:SMB_NAME)' : 'no valid smb_printername, empty or only 8 characters or digits without umlauts...' SMB_A = '(RE:IPADDR)|((RE:OCTET)\.){0,2}((RE:OCTET)\.)' : 'ERROR' SMB_ACCESS = '()|((RE:SMB_A)([[:space:]]+(RE:SMB_A))*)' : 'no valid entry, could be empty, one or more ip adresses separated with a space or 1 to 3 octets followed with a point...' SMB_LOGLVL = '(RE:YESNO)|(RE:NUMERIC)' : 'invalid debug option, use yes, no, 0-255'