# JOE syntax highlight file for C# # Based on Java highlighter =Idle =Preproc yellow =Comment green =DocComment bold blue =Constant cyan =Escape bold cyan =Type bold blue =Keyword blue =Operator blue =Bad bold red =Brace magenta =Control :begin Idle * begin noeat call=.csharp() .subr csharp :reset Idle * first noeat " \t" reset :first Idle * idle noeat "#" pre recolor=-1 :pre Preproc * pre noeat "a-zA-Z" preident recolor=-1 buffer " \t" pre "\n" reset :preident Preproc * preunknown strings "if" prebody "else" prebody "elif" prebody "endif" prebody "region" preregion "endregion" preregion "define" predefine "undef" predefine "warning" preregion "error" preregion "line" prebody done "a-z" preident :prebody Preproc * prebody "\n" reset :preregion Preproc * preregion_text "\n" reset :preregion_text Constant * preregion_text "\n" reset :predefine Preproc * predefine_text noeat " \t" predefine "\n" reset :predefine_text Constant * predefine_text " \t" predefine_value "\n" reset :predefine_value Idle * predefine_value "\n" reset :preunknown Preproc * preunknown "\n" reset :idle Idle * idle "\n" reset "/" slash "0" first_digit recolor=-1 "1-9" decimal recolor=-1 "." maybe_float "\"" string recolor=-1 "@" forcedliteral recolor=-1 "'" char recolor=-1 "a-zA-Z_" ident buffer "{}" brace recolor=-1 ",:;=()><[]*&|!~+\-%^" control recolor=-1 :maybe_done Control * idle noeat "/" idle noeat return recolor=-2 :brace Brace * idle noeat :control Control * idle noeat :forcedliteral Idle * idle noeat "a-zA-Z_" ident recolor=-2 "\"" forcedstring recolor=-2 :forcedstring Constant * forcedstring "\"" forcedstringquot :forcedstringquot Constant * idle noeat "\"" forcedstring # @"This -> "" <- is a literal quote" :slash Idle * idle noeat "*" comment recolor=-2 "/" maybe_line_comment recolor=-2 :comment Comment * comment "*" maybe_end_comment :maybe_end_comment Comment * comment "/" idle "*" maybe_end_comment :maybe_line_comment Comment * line_comment noeat recolor=-1 "/" doc_comment recolor=-3 :line_comment Comment * line_comment "\n" reset :doc_comment DocComment * doc_comment "\n" reset :first_digit Constant * idle noeat "xX" hex "." float "eE" epart "0-7" octal "89" bad_number recolor=-1 :bad_number Bad * idle noeat "0-9" bad_number :octal Constant * idle noeat "0-7" octal "89" bad_number recolor=-1 :hex Constant * idle noeat "0-9A-Fa-f" hex :decimal Constant * idle noeat "0-9" decimal "eE" epart "." float :maybe_float Constant * idle recolor=-2 noeat "0-9" float recolor=-2 :float Constant * idle noeat "eE" epart "0-9" float :epart Constant * idle noeat "0-9+\-" enum :enum Constant * idle noeat "0-9" enum :string Constant * string "\"" idle "\\" string_escape recolor=-1 "{" maybe_string_control recolor=-1 "}" maybe_control_end recolor=-1 :string_escape Escape * string "xu" string_hex_4 # Yes, \x has up to 4 numbers in C# "U" string_hex_8 "0-7" string_octal2 "\n" string recolor=-2 # Eight all-purpose (hex/unicode short/unicode long) states for hexadecimal # escape sequences :string_hex_8 Escape * string noeat "0-9a-fA-F" string_hex_7 :string_hex_7 Escape * string noeat "0-9a-fA-F" string_hex_6 :string_hex_6 Escape * string noeat "0-9a-fA-F" string_hex_5 :string_hex_5 Escape * string noeat "0-9a-fA-F" string_hex_4 :string_hex_4 Escape * string noeat "0-9a-fA-F" string_hex_3 :string_hex_3 Escape * string noeat "0-9a-fA-F" string_hex_2 :string_hex_2 Escape * string noeat "0-9a-fA-F" string_hex_1 :string_hex_1 Escape * string noeat "0-9a-fA-F" string :string_octal2 Escape * string noeat "0-7" string_octal3 :string_octal3 Escape * string noeat "0-7" string :maybe_string_control Escape * string noeat recolor=-2 "0-9" string_control "{" string :string_control Escape * string_control "\"" string noeat "}" string :maybe_control_end Escape * string noeat recolor=-2 "}" string :char Constant * char "\n" reset "'" idle "\\" char_escape recolor=-1 :char_escape Escape * char "xu" char_hex4 "U" char_hex8 "0-7" char_octal2 "\n" char recolor=-2 :char_hex8 Escape * char noeat "0-9a-fA-F" char_hex7 :char_hex7 Escape * char noeat "0-9a-fA-F" char_hex6 :char_hex6 Escape * char noeat "0-9a-fA-F" char_hex5 :char_hex5 Escape * char noeat "0-9a-fA-F" char_hex4 :char_hex4 Escape * char noeat "0-9a-fA-F" char_hex3 :char_hex3 Escape * char noeat "0-9a-fA-F" char_hex2 :char_hex2 Escape * char noeat "0-9a-fA-F" char_hex1 :char_hex1 Escape * char noeat "0-9a-fA-F" char :char_octal2 Escape * char noeat "0-7" char_octal3 :char_octal3 Escape * char noeat "0-7" char :ident Idle # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/x53a06bb.aspx * idle noeat strings "abstract" kw "as" operator "base" kw "break" kw "case" kw "catch" kw "checked" operator "class" kw "const" kw "continue" kw "default" kw "delegate" kw "do" kw "else" kw "enum" kw "event" kw "explicit" kw "extern" kw "finally" kw "fixed" kw "for" kw "foreach" kw "goto" kw "if" kw "implicit" kw "in" operator "interface" kw "internal" kw "is" kw "lock" kw "namespace" kw "new" operator "operator" kw "out" kw "override" kw "params" kw "private" kw "protected" kw "public" kw "readonly" kw "ref" kw "return" kw "sealed" kw "sizeof" operator "stackalloc" kw "static" kw "struct" kw "switch" kw "this" kw "throw" kw "try" kw "typeof" operator "unchecked" operator "unsafe" kw "using" kw "virtual" kw "volatile" kw "while" kw # Types "bool" type "Boolean" type "byte" type "Byte" type "char" type "Character" type "decimal" type "double" type "Double" type "float" type "Float" type "int" type "Integer" type "int16" type "Int16" type "int32" type "Int32" type "int64" type "Int64" type "long" type "object" type "Object" type "sbyte" type "short" type "string" type "String" type "uint" type "uint16" type "uint32" type "uint64" type "ulong" type "ushort" type "void" type # These are "contextual" keywords. Should try to do a better and # and find the context (most are LINQ), but it may not be possible # in all cases: "add" kw "alias" kw "ascending" kw "async" kw "await" kw "descending" kw "dynamic" type "from" kw "get" kw "global" kw "group" kw "into" kw "join" kw "let" kw "orderby" kw "partial" kw "remove" kw "select" kw "set" kw "value" kw "var" type "where" kw "yield" kw # Literals "true" lit "false" lit "null" lit done "a-zA-Z0-9_" ident :type Type * idle noeat :kw Keyword * idle noeat :lit Constant * idle noeat :operator Operator * idle noeat .end