# Google Go (golang) syntax # (c) 2012 Matthias S. Benkmann # License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US # Small modifications by jjjordan to better suit white backgrounds and 16-color # consoles. (Original colors commented out below) # Standard colors: # # Foreground: # white cyan magenta blue yellow green red black # # Background: # bg_white bg_cyan bg_magenta bg_blue bg_yellow bg_green bg_red bg_black # # # For 16 color and 256 color xterms: "export TERM=xterm-16color", the following # brighter than normal colors are available ( Note that you need an xterm which # was compiled to support 16 or 256 colors and a matching termcap/terminfo entry # for it.) # # Foreground: # WHITE CYAN MAGENTA BLUE YELLOW GREEN RED BLACK # # Background: # bg_WHITE bg_CYAN bg_MAGENTA bg_BLUE bg_YELLOW bg_GREEN bg_RED bg_BLACK # # # For 256 color xterm: "export TERM=xterm-256color", the following become available # ( Note that you need an xterm which was compiled to support 256 colors and a # matching termcap/terminfo entry for it. ) # # fg_RGB and bg_RGB, where R, G, and B range from 0 - 5. So: fg_500 is bright red. # # fg_NN and bg_NN give shades of grey, where the intensity, NN, ranges from 0 - 23. =Idle =Error red bold =Comment green #bold green =SingleQuoted cyan =DoubleQuoted cyan =BackQuoted cyan =Escape bold cyan =Operator bold cyan =Parentheses #bold yellow =Brackets yellow =Brace magenta #bold magenta =Semicolon #bold yellow =Period bold =PeriodDecimal red =Number red =Constant red =Comma #bold yellow =Identifier #fg_333 =ExportedIdentifier #fg_444 =Keyword bold =Type bold =BuiltinFunction bold ##################### main ######################### :main Idle * keyword_or_identifier noeat buffer " \t" main "\n" main "/" maybe_comment recolor=-1 "'" single_quoted recolor=-1 "\"" double_quoted recolor=-1 "`" back_quoted recolor=-1 "+&=!|*^<>:%-" operator noeat "()" parentheses noeat "[]" brackets noeat "{}" curlies noeat ";" semicolon noeat "," comma noeat "." period "0" number0 recolor=-1 "1-9" float recolor=-1 "#$@~" error noeat #################### error ########################## :error Error * error "\n" main "/" maybe_comment_err recolor=-1 :maybe_comment_err Operator * error noeat recolor=-2 "/" line_comment recolor=-2 "*" block_comment recolor=-2 ################## comments ######################### :maybe_comment Operator * main noeat "/" line_comment recolor=-2 "*" block_comment recolor=-2 :line_comment Comment * line_comment "\n" main :block_comment Comment * block_comment "*" maybe_end_block_comment :maybe_end_block_comment Comment * block_comment noeat "/" main ################ strings ############################ :single_quoted SingleQuoted * single_quoted "'" main "\\" single_quoted call=.escape() recolor=-1 "\n" error :double_quoted DoubleQuoted * double_quoted "\"" main "\\" double_quoted call=.escape() recolor=-1 "\n" error :back_quoted BackQuoted * back_quoted "`" main ################### operators ####################### :operator Operator * main :parentheses Parentheses * main :brackets Brackets * main :curlies Brace * main :semicolon Semicolon * main :comma Comma * main ##################### period ####################### :period Period * period_other noeat recolor=-2 "0-9" period_decimal noeat recolor=-2 :period_other Period * main noeat :period_decimal PeriodDecimal * float_no_period noeat ################### numbers #################### :float_no_period Number * end_of_number noeat "0-9" float_no_period "eE" integer :integer Number * error noeat "+-" unsigned "0-9" unsigned_or_end :unsigned Number * error noeat "0-9" unsigned_or_end :unsigned_or_end Number * end_of_number noeat "0-9" unsigned_or_end :end_of_number Number * main noeat "i" main # imaginary number suffix :number0 Number * end_of_number noeat "xX" hex "." period_decimal recolor=-1 # 099i is a valid imaginary number, 099.0 is a valid float, # but 099 is an invalid octal. #We don't check for this and simply lump both cases together. "0-9" float :hex Number * main noeat "0-9a-fA-F" hex :float Number * end_of_number noeat "0-9" float "." period_decimal recolor=-1 "eE" integer ################# keywords and identifiers ########################## :keyword_or_identifier Identifier * identifier "A-Z" exported_identifier recolor=-1 "a-z_" keyword_or_identifier2 :exported_identifier ExportedIdentifier * exported_identifier "\x01-/:-@[-^`{-\x7f" main noeat :identifier Identifier * identifier "\x01-/:-@[-^`{-\x7f" main noeat :keyword_or_identifier2 Identifier * identifier "a-zA-Z_0-9" keyword_or_identifier2 "\x01-/:-@[-^`{-\x7f" main noeat hold strings "_" keyword "break" keyword "default" keyword "func" keyword "interface" keyword "select" keyword "case" keyword "defer" keyword "go" keyword "map" keyword "struct" keyword "chan" keyword "else" keyword "goto" keyword "package" keyword "switch" keyword "const" keyword "fallthrough" keyword "if" keyword "range" keyword "type" keyword "continue" keyword "for" keyword "import" keyword "return" keyword "var" keyword "true" constant "false" constant "nil" constant "iota" constant "byte" type "rune" type "int" type "uint" type "uintptr" type "uint8" type "uint16" type "uint32" type "uint64" type "int8" type "int16" type "int32" type "int64" type "float32" type "float64" type "complex64" type "complex128" type "bool" type "string" type "error" type "delete" builtin "make" builtin "len" builtin "cap" builtin "new" builtin "copy" builtin "append" builtin "close" builtin "complex" builtin "imag" builtin "panic" builtin "print" builtin "println" builtin "real" builtin "recover" builtin done :keyword Keyword * main noeat :constant Constant * main noeat :type Type * main noeat :builtin BuiltinFunction * main noeat ########################## .subr escape START ###################################### .subr escape :esc Escape * esc_err noeat "abfnrtv'\"" whatever return # For some reason joe doesn't interpret \\ properly if merged with the # previous case. So create a separate case for it. "\\" whatever return "x" hex2 "u" hex4 "U" hex8 "0-3" oct2 :hex8 Escape * esc_err noeat "a-fA-F0-9" hex7 :hex7 Escape * esc_err noeat "a-fA-F0-9" hex6 :hex6 Escape * esc_err noeat "a-fA-F0-9" hex5 :hex5 Escape * esc_err noeat "a-fA-F0-9" hex4 :hex4 Escape * esc_err noeat "a-fA-F0-9" hex3 :hex3 Escape * esc_err noeat "a-fA-F0-9" hex2 :hex2 Escape * esc_err noeat "a-fA-F0-9" hex1 :hex1 Escape * esc_err noeat "a-fA-F0-9" whatever return :oct2 Escape * esc_err noeat "0-7" oct1 :oct1 Escape * esc_err noeat "0-7" whatever return :esc_err Error * esc_err return "\n" esc_err_newline noeat recolor=-2 :esc_err_newline Error * esc_err return noeat .end ########################## .subr escape END ######################################