## this file is to be manipulated by mkfli4l ## don't change unless you know exactly what you do # add tar_verbose to append line to make inittar verbose DEFAULT n TIMEOUT 200 PROMPT 1 DISPLAY boot.msg DISPLAY boot_s.msg DISPLAY boot_r.msg DISPLAY boot_t.msg DISPLAY boot_z.msg ONERROR n LABEL n KERNEL /kernel APPEND load_ramdisk=1 initrd=/rootfs.img fli4l_mode=normal TAG DEVICETREEDIR /dtbs LABEL r KERNEL /kernel2 APPEND load_ramdisk=1 initrd=/rootfs2.img fli4l_mode=recover recover TAG DEVICETREEDIR /dtbs LABEL t KERNEL /kernel3 APPEND load_ramdisk=1 initrd=/rootfs3.img fli4l_mode=test test TAG DEVICETREEDIR /dtbs