#include-once ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: StatusBar_Constants ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Constants for StatusBar functions. ; Author(s) .....: Valik, Gary Frost, ... ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CONSTANTS# =================================================================================================================== ; Styles Global Const $SBARS_SIZEGRIP = 0x100 Global Const $SBT_TOOLTIPS = 0x800 Global Const $SBARS_TOOLTIPS = 0x800 ; uFlags Global Const $SBT_SUNKEN = 0x0 ;Default Global Const $SBT_NOBORDERS = 0x100 ;The text is drawn without borders. Global Const $SBT_POPOUT = 0x200 ; The text is drawn with a border to appear higher than the plane of the window. Global Const $SBT_RTLREADING = 0x400 ;SB_SETTEXT, SB_SETTEXT, SB_GETTEXTLENGTH flags only: Displays text using right-to-left reading order on Hebrew or Arabic systems. Global Const $SBT_NOTABPARSING = 0x800 ;Tab characters are ignored. Global Const $SBT_OWNERDRAW = 0x1000 ;The text is drawn by the parent window. ; Messages Global Const $__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER = 0X400 Global Const $SB_GETBORDERS = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 7) Global Const $SB_GETICON = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 20) Global Const $SB_GETPARTS = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 6) Global Const $SB_GETRECT = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 10) Global Const $SB_GETTEXTA = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 2) Global Const $SB_GETTEXTW = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 13) Global Const $SB_GETTEXT = $SB_GETTEXTA Global Const $SB_GETTEXTLENGTHA = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 3) Global Const $SB_GETTEXTLENGTHW = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 12) Global Const $SB_GETTEXTLENGTH = $SB_GETTEXTLENGTHA Global Const $SB_GETTIPTEXTA = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 18) Global Const $SB_GETTIPTEXTW = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 19) Global Const $SB_GETUNICODEFORMAT = 0x2000 + 6 Global Const $SB_ISSIMPLE = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 14) Global Const $SB_SETBKCOLOR = 0x2000 + 1 Global Const $SB_SETICON = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 15) Global Const $SB_SETMINHEIGHT = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 8) Global Const $SB_SETPARTS = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 4) Global Const $SB_SETTEXTA = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 1) Global Const $SB_SETTEXTW = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 11) Global Const $SB_SETTEXT = $SB_SETTEXTA Global Const $SB_SETTIPTEXTA = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 16) Global Const $SB_SETTIPTEXTW = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 17) Global Const $SB_SETUNICODEFORMAT = 0x2000 + 5 Global Const $SB_SIMPLE = ($__STATUSBARCONSTANT_WM_USER + 9) Global Const $SB_SIMPLEID = 0xff ; Notifications Global Const $SBN_FIRST = -880 Global Const $SBN_SIMPLEMODECHANGE = $SBN_FIRST - 0 ; Sent when the simple mode changes due to a $SB_SIMPLE message ; ===============================================================================================================================