#include-once ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: WordConstants ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Constants to be included in an AutoIt script when using the Word UDF. ; Author(s) .....: water ; Resources .....: Word 2007 Enumerations: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee426857%28v=office.12%29 ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CONSTANTS# =================================================================================================================== ; WdBreakType Enumeration. Specifies type of break. ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb213704%28v=office.12%29 Global Const $WdColumnBreak = 8 ; Column break at the insertion point Global Const $WdLineBreak = 6 ; Line break Global Const $WdLineBreakClearLeft = 9 ; Line break Global Const $WdLineBreakClearRight = 10 ; Line break Global Const $WdPageBreak = 7 ; Page break at the insertion point Global Const $WdSectionBreakContinuous = 3 ; New section without a corresponding page break Global Const $WdSectionBreakEvenPage = 4 ; Section break with the next section beginning on the next even-numbered page. If the section break falls on an even-numbered page, Word leaves the next odd-numbered page blank Global Const $WdSectionBreakNextPage = 2 ; Section break on next page Global Const $WdSectionBreakOddPage = 5 ; Section break with the next section beginning on the next odd-numbered page. If the section break falls on an odd-numbered page, Word leaves the next even-numbered page blank Global Const $WdTextWrappingBreak = 11 ; Ends the current line and forces the text to continue below a picture, table, or other item. The text continues on the next blank line that does not contain a table aligned with the left or right margin ; MsoDocProperties Enumeration. Specifies the data type for a document property. ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa432509(v=office.12) Global Const $msoPropertyTypeBoolean = 2 ; Boolean value Global Const $msoPropertyTypeDate = 3 ; Date value Global Const $msoPropertyTypeFloat = 5 ; Floating point value Global Const $msoPropertyTypeNumber = 1 ; Integer value Global Const $msoPropertyTypeString = 4 ; String value ; WdCollapseDirection Enumeration. Specifies the direction in which to collapse a range or selection. ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb237551%28v=office.12%29 Global Const $WdCollapseEnd = 0 ; Collapse the range to the ending point Global Const $WdCollapseStart = 1 ; Collapse the range to the starting point ; WdExportFormat Enumeration. Specifies format to use for exporting a document. ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb243311%28v=office.12%29.aspx Global Const $WdExportFormatPDF = 17 ; Export document into PDF format Global Const $WdExportFormatXPS = 18 ; Export document into XML Paper Specification (XPS) format ; WdExportRange Enumeration. Specifies how much of the document to export. ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb243314%28v=office.12%29.aspx Global Const $WdExportAllDocument = 0 ; Exports the entire document Global Const $WdExportCurrentPage = 2 ; Exports the current page Global Const $WdExportFromTo = 3 ; Exports the contents of a range using the starting and ending positions Global Const $WdExportSelection = 1 ; Exports the contents of the current selection ; WdFindWrap Enumeration. Specifies wrap behavior if a selection or range is specified for a find operation and the search text isn't found in the selection or range. ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb213734%28v=office.12%29 Global Const $WdFindAsk = 2 ; After searching the selection or range, Microsoft Word displays a message asking whether to search the remainder of the document Global Const $WdFindContinue = 1 ; The find operation continues if the beginning or end of the search range is reached Global Const $WdFindStop = 0 ; The find operation ends if the beginning or end of the search range is reached ; WdNewDocumentType Enumeration. Specifies the type of new document to create. ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb237823%28v=office.12%29.aspx Global Const $WdNewBlankDocument = 0 ; Blank document Global Const $WdNewEmailMessage = 2 ; E-mail message Global Const $WdNewFrameset = 3 ; Frameset Global Const $WdNewWebPage = 1 ; Web page Global Const $WdNewXMLDocument = 4 ; XML document ; WdOpenFormat Enumeration. Specifies the format to use when opening a document. ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb237872%28v=office.12%29 Global Const $WdOpenFormatAllWord = 6 ; A Microsoft Office Word format that is backward compatible with earlier versions of Word Global Const $WdOpenFormatAuto = 0 ; The existing format Global Const $WdOpenFormatDocument = 1 ; Word format Global Const $WdOpenFormatEncodedText = 5 ; Encoded text format Global Const $WdOpenFormatRTF = 3 ; Rich text format (RTF) Global Const $WdOpenFormatTemplate = 2 ; As a Word template Global Const $WdOpenFormatText = 4 ; Unencoded text format Global Const $WdOpenFormatUnicodeText = 5 ; Unicode text format Global Const $WdOpenFormatWebPages = 7 ; HTML format Global Const $WdOpenFormatXML = 8 ; XML format Global Const $WdOpenFormatAllWordTemplates = 13 ; Word template format Global Const $WdOpenFormatDocument97 = 1 ; Microsoft Word 97 document format Global Const $WdOpenFormatTemplate97 = 2 ; Word 97 template format Global Const $WdOpenFormatXMLDocument = 9 ; XML document format Global Const $WdOpenFormatXMLDocumentMacroEnabled = 10 ; XML document format with macros enabled Global Const $WdOpenFormatXMLTemplate = 11 ; XML template format Global Const $WdOpenFormatXMLTemplateMacroEnabled = 12 ; XML template format with macros enabled ; WdOrientation Enumeration. Specifies a page layout orientation. ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb237879%28v=office.12%29.aspx Global Const $WdOrientLandscape = 1 ; Landscape orientation Global Const $WdOrientPortrait = 0 ; Portrait orientation ; WdOriginalFormat Enumeration. Specifies the document format. This enumeration is commonly used when saving a document. ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb237886%28v=office.12%29.aspx Global Const $WdOriginalDocumentFormat = 1 ; Original document format Global Const $WdPromptUser = 2 ; Prompt user to select a document format Global Const $WdWordDocument = 0 ; Microsoft Word document format ; WdPrintOutItem Enumeration. Specifies the item to print. ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb237945%28v=office.12%29 Global Const $WdPrintAutoTextEntries = 4 ; Autotext entries in the current document Global Const $WdPrintComments = 2 ; Comments in the current document Global Const $WdPrintDocumentContent = 0 ; Current document content Global Const $WdPrintDocumentWithMarkup = 7 ; Current document content including markup Global Const $WdPrintEnvelope = 6 ; An envelope Global Const $WdPrintKeyAssignments = 5 ; Key assignments in the current document Global Const $WdPrintMarkup = 2 ; Markup in the current document Global Const $WdPrintProperties = 1 ; Properties in the current document Global Const $WdPrintStyles = 3 ; Styles in the current document ; WdPrintOutPages Enumeration. Specifies the type of pages to print. ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb237950%28v=office.12%29 Global Const $WdPrintAllPages = 0 ; All pages Global Const $WdPrintEvenPagesOnly = 2 ; Even-numbered pages only Global Const $WdPrintOddPagesOnly = 1 ; Odd-numbered pages only ; WdPrintOutRange Enumeration. Specifies a range to print. ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb237956%28v=office.12%29 Global Const $WdPrintAllDocument = 0 ; The entire document Global Const $WdPrintCurrentPage = 2 ; The current page Global Const $WdPrintFromTo = 3 ; A specified range Global Const $WdPrintRangeOfPages = 4 ; A specified range of pages Global Const $WdPrintSelection = 1 ; The current selection ; WdReplace Enumeration. Specifies the number of replacements to be made when find and replace is used. ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb238124%28v=office.12%29.aspx Global Const $WdReplaceAll = 2 ; Replace all occurrences Global Const $WdReplaceNone = 0 ; Replace no occurrences Global Const $WdReplaceOne = 1 ; Replace the first occurrence encountered ; WdSaveFormat Enumeration. Specifies the format to use when saving a document. ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb238158%28v=office.12%29 Global Const $WdFormatDocument = 0 ; Microsoft Office Word format Global Const $WdFormatDOSText = 4 ; Microsoft DOS text format Global Const $WdFormatDOSTextLineBreaks = 5 ; Microsoft DOS text with line breaks preserved Global Const $WdFormatEncodedText = 7 ; Encoded text format Global Const $WdFormatFilteredHTML = 10 ; Filtered HTML format Global Const $WdFormatHTML = 8 ; Standard HTML format Global Const $WdFormatRTF = 6 ; Rich text format (RTF) Global Const $WdFormatTemplate = 1 ; Word template format Global Const $WdFormatText = 2 ; Microsoft Windows text format Global Const $WdFormatTextLineBreaks = 3 ; Windows text format with line breaks preserved Global Const $WdFormatUnicodeText = 7 ; Unicode text format Global Const $WdFormatWebArchive = 9 ; Web archive format Global Const $WdFormatXML = 11 ; Extensible Markup Language (XML) format Global Const $WdFormatDocument97 = 0 ; Microsoft Word 97 document format Global Const $WdFormatDocumentDefault = 16; Word default document file format. For Microsoft Office Word 2007, this is the DOCX format Global Const $WdFormatPDF = 17 ; PDF format Global Const $WdFormatTemplate97 = 1 ; Word 97 template format Global Const $WdFormatXMLDocument = 12 ; XML document format Global Const $WdFormatXMLDocumentMacroEnabled = 13 ; XML document format with macros enabled Global Const $WdFormatXMLTemplate = 14 ; XML template format Global Const $WdFormatXMLTemplateMacroEnabled = 15 ; XML template format with macros enabled Global Const $WdFormatXPS = 18 ; XPS format ; WdSaveOptions Enumeration. Specifies how pending changes should be handled. ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb238160%28v=office.12%29.aspx Global Const $WdDoNotSaveChanges = 0 ; Do not save pending changes Global Const $WdPromptToSaveChanges = -2 ; Prompt the user to save pending changes Global Const $WdSaveChanges = -1 ; Save pending changes automatically without prompting the user ; WdUnits Enumeration. Specifies a unit of measure to use. ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb214015%28v=office.12%29.aspx Global Const $WdCell = 12 ; A cell Global Const $WdCharacter = 1 ; A character Global Const $WdCharacterFormatting = 13 ; Character formatting Global Const $WdColumn = 9 ; A column Global Const $WdItem = 16 ; The selected item Global Const $WdLine = 5 ; A line Global Const $WdParagraph = 4 ; A paragraph Global Const $WdParagraphFormatting = 14 ; Paragraph formatting Global Const $WdRow = 10 ; A row Global Const $WdScreen = 7 ; The screen dimensions Global Const $WdSection = 8 ; A section Global Const $WdSentence = 3 ; A sentence Global Const $WdStory = 6 ; A story Global Const $WdTable = 15 ; A table Global Const $WdWindow = 11 ; A window Global Const $WdWord = 2 ; A word ; ===============================================================================================================================