Changes for package: IPV6 =============================================================================== $Id$ =============================================================================== 3.1.3-ow [2005-07-01]: - tag: TW-2007-09-12 - original OPT_IPV6 package from Oliver Walter 3.1.3-tw [2007-09-12]: - tag: TW-2007-09-12 - modifications by Tobias Weller - small heartbeat changes - prefixcalc6 recompiled for fli4l 3.x 3.1.3-cs-2007-09-16 [2007-09-16]: - tag: CS-2007-09-16 - adapted to fli4l 3.1.3 - files converted to DOS line endings - iptables for IPv6 included - opt/files/sbin/ip deleted (is part of fli4l 3.x) - do_insmod --> do_modprobe, MTU can be configured, enabling forwarding moved to new - netfilter configuration for IPv6 added - new regular expressions introduced, checks improved - config/ipv6.txt: MTU setting and netfilter settings added, LOCALV4 is "dynamic" by default (the most common case, I presume) - changes/ipv6.txt added 3.1.3-cs-2007-11-15 [2007-11-15]: - tag: CS-2007-11-15 - allowed ICMPv6 packet size increased to 150 bytes (thanks to Jörg Fischer for reporting this) - added default iptables input acceptance rule for ipv6 protocol packets coming from the PoP (thanks to Jörg Fischer for reporting this) - added IPv6 compatible dnsmasq - added support for assigning IPv6 addresses with hosts and generating the corresponding /etc/hosts entries - added support for assigning names to IPv6 networks (via IPV6_NET_%_NAME) - added support for assigning MAC addresses to IPv6 interfaces (via IPV6_NET_%_MAC) - reversed order of commands for network configuration to match that one of rc001.base - (internal) fwrules-helper.ipv6: moved translate_ip6_net to etc/rc.d/base-helper.ipv6 - changed HOST_%_IPV6 array to have optional entries, such that IPv6 hosts using auto-configuration do not have to appear in the configuration file with an empty value (consequently, empty values are now invalid in HOST_%_IPV6 entries) - mangle_ip_params6: corrected handling of (bracketed) IPv6 addresses - do6_default: consider IPv6 constructs as "[...]/..." as source net descriptions rather than destinations - added DHCPv6 server - TODO: supplying DNS resolvers does not work yet 3.1.3-cs-2007-11-20 [2007-11-20]: - tag: CS-2007-11-20 - corrected some mkfli4l checks (thanks to Jörg Fischer for reporting this) 2008-05-25: - adapted to fli4l 3.3.0-rev14924 3.6.0 ----- - [jw5] fix ICMPv6 packet filter rules - [kristov] added support for IPv6 RDNSS (RFC5006); thanks to Lars Bußmann and Michael Zenke for providing the necessary patches - [rresch] added default packet filter rules for INPUT in order to accept ICMPv6 NDP packets - [rresch] radvd's run-time behaviour improved when interfaces are down at boot time - [rresch/kristov] added documentation and commented configuration - [kristov] configuration of login data for tunnel broker simplified - [kristov] DHCPv6 support reimplemented and improved, using it for providing domain and DNS information ONLY - [kristov] hosts' IPv6 addresses are automatically computed when MAC addresses are provided in dns_dhcp's configuration - [kristov] added web GUI for IPv6 packet filter tables 3.6.0: ------ 2011-04-29 - release of stable version 3.6.1: ------ 3.7.0: ------ 2012-02-02 kristov (bugfixes) - unreachable route is now added for assigned subnet prefix (see and RFC 6204, section 4.2, "Prefix delegation requirements", point WPD-6, for details) (user-visible improvements) - support added for the tunnel provider Hurricane Electric - improved logging (developer-visible improvements) - new providers can be integrated easily by putting a script into /etc/rc.d/ipv6-tunnel-provider/ - many improvements and corrections under the hood 2012-03-11 kristov - moving ahead to new uClibc/fli4l buildroot! - radvd updated to 1.8.3 - dhcpd updated to 4.2.2 (same version as in package dns_dhcp) 2012-03-23 kristov - (SixXS) allow arbitrarily sized echo request packets from the tunnel peer (thanks to Lars Bußmann for providing the solution) 2012-06-24 kristov - OPT_IPV6 depends on OPT_HOSTS 2012-07-17 kristov - corrected handling of rules without a port following rules with a port 2012-09-17 kristov - don't add an unreachable route more than once for a given prefix 2012-10-23 kristov - allow more than one IPv6 prefix per interface 2012-10-31 kristov - size and frequency limits for accepting ICMPv6 echo packets by the firewall are now configurable (PF6_INPUT_ICMP_ECHO_REQ_SIZE and PF6_INPUT_ICMP_ECHO_REQ_LIMIT) 2012-10-31 kristov - use new function lookup_name_ipv6() which returns the IPv6 address for a host name used in a firewall rule 2012-10-31 kristov - default configuration fixed by removing references to undefined networks 2012-10-31 kristov - fixed EUI-64 computation for certain MAC addresses 2012-11-08 kristov - disable file name globbing when working with IPv6 firewall rules which may contain IPv6 addresses in square brackets [...] interpreted otherwise as character classes by the shell 2012-12-19 kristov - allow raw tunnels without an associated IPv6 prefix 2012-12-23 kristov - FFL-264: IPV6_NET_x_DEV can now contain a reference to IP_NET_y_DEV 2012-12-24 kristov - FFL-265: firewall rules can now contain a reference to IPV6_TUNNEL_x_DEV 2012-12-24 kristov - FFL-271: configure IPv6 only for devices which have IPv6 networks attached, via IPV6_NET_x, or are 6in4 tunnel devices; if OPT_IPV6='no', disable IPv6 addresses completely ************** **** TODO **** ************** - support properly tearing down 6in4 tunnels when IPv4 connection breaks due to scheduled hangup - lower validity and preferred lifetime of dynamically assigned prefixes - add possibility to register addresses served by DHCPv6 daemon in the DNS - add support for NAT64 (e.g. TAYGA) and DNS64 (e.g. totd) in order to allow IPv6-only LANs - add support for native IPv6 providers that only supply a /64 prefix; here, the external and internal interfaces share the same subnet prefix so routing has to be setup very carefully - update documentation 3.10.1: ------- FFL-261: IPV6 Tunnel können nur für Incoming benutzt werden FFL-264: Verwendung von IP_NET_x_DEV in IPV6_NET_x_DEV FFL-265: Nutzen des Tunnel-Interface-devices in den firewall-Regeln FFL-274: Hosts mit bestimmten Adressen erhalten keine korrekten IPv6-Adressen im DNS zugewiesen FFL-298: Anpassung von iptables-Regeln für neue Kernel FFL-337: Abhängigkeit OPT_IPV6 --> OPT_HOSTS entfernen FFL-345: Update dibbler auf Version 0.8.3 FFL-372: IPV6 - Heartbeat stört DSL HUPTIMEOUT FFL-418: /sbin/ip akzeptiert nicht Tunnelnamen "he" FFL-446: Angleichung und Überarbeitung des IPv4- und IPv6-Firewall-Codes und Einbau von IPv6-NAT FFL-447: Unterstützung für die OUTPUT-Kette fehlt im Paketfilter FFL-465: IPv6-Dialup via PPPoE FFL-473: IPV6_NET_x_DHCP='yes' prüft nicht, ob der DHCP-Server verfügbar ist FFL-474: Reine IPv6-Schnittstellen werden nicht aktiviert FFL-481: tool netcalc um ipv6 Support erweitern FFL-483: Firewall-Regeln mit tmpl: und BIDIRECTIONAL führen ggf. zu nicht beabsichtigtem Verhalten FFL-485: Im Paketfilter kann man 'dynamic' weder in der PREROUTING_CT- noch in der OUTPUT_CT-Kette nutzen FFL-487: Port-Weiterleitung mit dynamischer Firewall umsetzen FFL-494: ip-up-Ereignisse werden nicht nach Protokoll (IPv4/IPv6) unterschieden FFL-496: HOST_x_IP6='auto' führt zu unerwünschten Nebeneffekten FFL-497: HOST_x_IP6='auto' sollte nur mit dem ipv6-Paket zusammen funktionieren FFL-500: Beim Herunterfahren des DHCP-Clients werden die PPP-Skripte immer mit is_default_route='no' ausgeführt FFL-511: IPv6 Route in OpenVPN kollidiert mit IP_ROUTE_x aus der base.txt FFL-513: Regeln im VPN Tunnel werden nicht richtig angelegt FFL-515: mkfli4l-Fehlermeldung bei OPT_IPV6='yes' und OPT_DNS='no' FFL-525: mkfli4l-Fehlermeldung bei OPT_IPV6='no' und OPT_DNS='no' FFL-600: Probleme bei IPv6-Tunnel-Update bei Provider Hurricane Electric FFL-621: Firewall nutzt falschen Test für Prüfung, ob Host-Name existiert FFL-753: bei IPv6 funktionieren @$HOST Angaben nicht FFL-794: Firewall: NETMAP akzeptiert keine logischen Netze (IP(V6)?_x_NET) FFL-829: Kombination von REJECT/DROP und LOG in Firewall-Regeln funktioniert nicht FFL-906: Kleinere OPT_LOGIP-Korrekturen in Bezug auf IPv6 und WebGUI 3.10.2: ------- FFL-756: Firewall generiert bei Verwendung von Templates falsche PREROUTING-Regeln 3.10.3: ------- (keine Änderungen) 3.10.4: ------- FFL-1471: Wenn IPV6 nicht aktiviert ist, funktioniert das dynamische Forwarding mittels plink nicht. 3.10.5: ------- (keine Änderungen) 3.10.6: ------- (keine Änderungen) 3.10.7: ------- (keine Änderungen) 3.10.8: ------- (keine Änderungen) 3.10.9: ------- (keine Änderungen) 3.10.10: -------- (keine Änderungen) 3.10.11: -------- FFL-1912: Unterstützung für SixXS-Tunnel ausbauen 3.10.12: -------- FFL-2029: Paketfilterregeln können keine IPv6-Adressen verarbeiten, die mit a-f beginnen FFL-2030: Tests für die IPv4- und IPv6-Paketfilter werden nicht sauber getrennt