package = "CGILua" version = "5.2.1-1" source = { url = "", dir = "cgilua-5.2.1", md5 = "2125c0d4b583672463f2417555590e0d", } description = { summary = "Tool for creating dynamic Web pages and manipulating data from Web forms", detailed = [[ CGILua allows the separation of logic and data handling from the generation of pages, making it easy to develop web applications with Lua. CGILua can be used with a variety of Web servers and, for each server, with different launchers. A launcher is responsible for the interaction of CGILua and the Web server, for example using ISAPI on IIS or mod_lua on Apache. ]], homepage = "", license = "MIT/X11", } dependencies = { "lua >= 5.2", "luafilesystem >= 1.6.0", } local CGILUA_LUAS = { "src/cgilua/authentication.lua", "src/cgilua/cookies.lua", "src/cgilua/dispatcher.lua", "src/cgilua/loader.lua", "src/cgilua/lp.lua", "src/cgilua/mime.lua", "src/cgilua/post.lua", "src/cgilua/readuntil.lua", "src/cgilua/serialize.lua", "src/cgilua/session.lua", "src/cgilua/urlcode.lua" } build = { type = "builtin", modules = { cgilua = "src/cgilua/cgilua.lua" }, copy_directories = { "examples", "doc", "tests" }, install = { bin = { "src/launchers/cgilua.cgi", "src/launchers/cgilua.fcgi" } } } for i = 1, #CGILUA_LUAS do local file = CGILUA_LUAS[i] local mod = "cgilua." .. file:match("^src/cgilua/([^%.]+)%.lua$") build.modules[mod] = file end