# JOE syntax highlight file for Ruby # Glitches: # <" NULL recolor=-2 return :pod_start Idle * pod_start "\n" pod_block :pod_block POD * pod_block "=" pod_ident buffer :pod_ident POD * pod_block noeat strings "=end" rest done "\c" pod_ident :maybe_inc Idle * after_term noeat "<" maybe_inc1 :maybe_inc1 Idle * after_term noeat "-" allow_space "'\"" quoted_inc_start save_c recolor=-1 "\i" inc buffer noeat :allow_space Idle * after_term noeat "'\"" quoted_inc_start_allow save_c recolor=-1 "\i" inc_allow buffer noeat :quoted_inc_start StringVariable string * quoted_inc buffer :quoted_inc_start_allow StringVariable string * quoted_inc_allow buffer :quoted_inc StringVariable string * quoted_inc & skipline save_s :quoted_inc_allow StringVariable string * quoted_inc_allow & skipline_allow save_s :inc StringVariable string * skipline save_s noeat "\c" inc :inc_allow StringVariable string * skipline_allow save_s noeat "\c" inc_allow # Should be treated as a normal line here... :skipline Idle * skipline "\n" next_line :skipline_allow Idle * skipline_allow "\n" next_line_allow :todelim String string * todelim "\n" next_line strings "&" founddelim done :todelim_allow String string * todelim_allow "\n" next_line_allow strings "&" founddelim done # eat \n so it's not in string. :next_line String string * todelim buffer "\n" next_line :next_line_allow String string * todelim_allow buffer " \t\n" next_line_allow :founddelim StringEscape string * idle noeat :regex Regex string * regex "\\" regex_quote recolor=-1 "/" after_term :regex_quote RegexEscape string * regex :not_string Idle * rest noeat "\c" global_var recolor=-2 "\"'`#/" rest :brace Brace * rest noeat :line_comment Comment comment * line_comment .ifdef erb "%" line_comment_maybe_erb_end .endif "BFHNTX" line_comment noeat call=comment_todo.comment_todo() .ifdef haml "\n" NULL return .else "\n" idle .endif :line_comment_maybe_erb_end Comment comment ">" NULL recolor=-2 return :end_of_file_comment Comment comment * end_of_file_comment :first_digit Number * after_term noeat "x" hex "b" binary "." maybe_float "eE" epart "0-7" octal "89" bad_number recolor=-1 :bad_number Bad * after_term noeat "0-9" bad_number :octal Number * after_term noeat "0-7_" octal "89" bad_number recolor=-1 :binary Number * after_term noeat "01_" binary "2-9" bad_number recolor=-1 :hex Number * after_term noeat "0-9A-Fa-f_" hex :decimal Number * after_term noeat "0-9_" decimal "eE" epart "." maybe_float :maybe_float Idle * after_term noeat recolor=-2 "0-9" float noeat :float Number * after_term noeat "eE" epart "0-9_" float :epart Number * after_term noeat "0-9+\-" enum :enum Number * after_term noeat "0-9_" enum :string String string * string "\"" after_term "\\" string_escape recolor=-1 "#" maybe_string_subst recolor=-1 :maybe_string_subst String string * string noeat "{" string_subst_begin recolor=-2 :string_subst_begin StringEscape string * string_subst noeat call=.ruby(squiggly) :string_subst StringEscape string * string noeat :string_escape Escape * string "x" string_hex1 "c" string_ctrl "N" string_named "0-7" string_octal2 "\n" string recolor=-2 :string_named Escape * string "{" string_named_rest :string_named_rest Escape * string_named_rest "}" string :string_ctrl Escape * string :string_hex1 Escape * string noeat "{" string_unicode "0-9a-fA-F" string_hex2 :string_unicode Escape * string_unicode "}" string :string_hex2 Escape * string noeat "0-9a-fA-F" string :string_octal2 Escape * string noeat "0-7" string_octal3 :string_octal3 Escape * string noeat "0-7" string # Only \\ and \' allowed in single quoted strings :char String string * char "\n" reset "'" after_term "\\" char_escape recolor=-1 :char_escape Escape * char recolor=-2 "\\'" char :backtick String string * backtick "`" after_term "\\" backtick_escape recolor=-1 "$@" backtick_subst recolor=-1 :backtick_subst Escape * backtick noeat recolor=-1 "\c" backtick_subst :backtick_escape Escape * backtick "x" backtick_hex1 "c" backtick_ctrl "N" backtick_named "0-7" backtick_octal2 "\n" backtick recolor=-2 :backtick_named Escape * backtick "{" backtick_named_rest :backtick_named_rest Escape * backtick_named_rest "}" backtick :backtick_ctrl Escape * backtick :backtick_hex1 Escape * backtick noeat "{" backtick_unicode "0-9a-fA-F" backtick_hex2 :backtick_unicode Escape * backtick_unicode "}" backtick :backtick_hex2 Escape * backtick noeat "0-9a-fA-F" backtick :backtick_octal2 Escape * backtick noeat "0-7" backtick_octal3 :backtick_octal3 Escape * backtick noeat "0-7" backtick :ident_no_kw Idle * after_term noeat "0" first_digit recolor=-2 "1-9" decimal recolor=-2 "\i" ident_no_kw1 :ident_no_kw1 Idle * after_term noeat "\c?!" ident_no_kw1 :ident Idle * after_term noeat strings "BEGIN" kw "END" kw "alias" kw_after "and" oper "begin" kw "break" loop "case" label "catch" stmt "class" kw_class "def" kw_def "defined" kw "do" loop "else" cond "elsif" cond "end" kw "ensure" kw "fail" kw "false" bool "for" loop "if" cond "in" oper "lambda" kw "module" kw_class "next" kw "nil" const "not" oper "or" oper "private" storage "proc" kw "protected" storage "public" storage "raise" stmt "redo" kw "rescue" kw "retry" stmt "return" stmt "self" kw_after "super" kw "then" cond "throw" stmt "true" bool "undef" stmt "unless" cond "until" loop "when" loop "while" loop "yield" stmt # quasi-keywords (Module or Kernel methods) "require" kw "autoload" kw "extend" kw "include" kw "puts" kw "exit" kw "attr_accessor" kw "attr_reader" kw "attr_writer" kw "module_function" kw done # allowing ?! is not nearly correct but fixes more than # it destructs "\c?!" ident :bool Boolean * rest noeat :loop Loop * rest noeat :cond Conditional * rest noeat :oper Operator * rest noeat :kw Keyword * rest noeat :label Label * rest noeat :const Constant * rest noeat :storage StorageClass * rest noeat :struct Structure * rest noeat :const Constant * rest noeat :stmt Statement * rest noeat # Handle case of def / :kw_after Keyword * after_term noeat :kw_def Structure * after_term noeat " \t\n" kw_def_space :kw_def_space Idle * rest noeat "\i" kw_func_decl noeat " \t\n" kw_def_space :kw_func_decl DefinedFunction * rest noeat "\c!?" kw_func_decl :kw_class Structure * rest noeat " \t\n" kw_class_space :kw_class_space Idle * rest noeat # first char should be uppercase letter "\i" kw_class_decl noeat " \t\n" kw_class_space :kw_class_decl DefinedType * rest noeat "\c!?" kw_class_decl :pstring Idle * match noeat " \t" after_term noeat "xrsqQwW" match .ifdef erb ">" NULL recolor=-2 return .endif :match Idle * inmatch save_c recolor=-1 " \t" match :inmatch Regex string * inmatch & after_term % inmatch call=.inmatch_recur() "#" inmatch_maybe_subst "\\" inmatch_quote recolor=-1 :inmatch_maybe_subst Regex string * inmatch noeat "{" inmatch_subst recolor=-2 call=.ruby(squiggly) :inmatch_subst Idle * inmatch noeat :inmatch_quote RegexEscape string * inmatch :subst Idle * insubst save_c recolor=-1 "<([{`" delim_insubst save_c recolor=-1 " \t" subst :insubst Regex string * insubst & inrepl "\\" insubst_quote recolor=-1 :insubst_quote RegexEscape string * insubst :inrepl Regex string * inrepl & after_term "\\" inrepl_quote :inrepl_quote RegexEscape string * inrepl :delim_insubst Regex string * delim_insubst & delim_repl "\\" delim_quote :delim_quote RegexEscape string * delim_insubst :delim_repl Regex string * repl save_c recolor=-1 " \t" delim_repl :repl Regex string * repl & after_term "\\" repl_quote :repl_quote RegexEscape string * repl :maybe_symbol Idle * rest noeat # prevent wrong Module::Member detection ":" rest # first char mustn't be 0-9 "\i" symbol recolor=-2 "\"" symbol_str recolor=-2 "'" symbol_str_sq recolor=-2 "/" rest :symbol Symbol * rest noeat "\c?!" symbol :symbol_str Symbol * symbol_str "\"" after_term "#" symbol_maybe_str_subst recolor=-1 :symbol_maybe_str_subst Symbol * symbol_str "{" symbol_str_subst recolor=-2 call=.ruby(squiggly) :symbol_str_subst Idle * symbol_str noeat :symbol_str_sq Symbol * symbol_str_sq "'" after_term :proc_arg ProcArg * rest noeat "," proc_arg_sep noeat "\i" proc_arg :proc_arg_sep Idle * proc_arg :class_member1 Idle * rest noeat "\i" class_member recolor=-2 "@" class_member2 :class_member2 ClassMember * rest noeat "\i" class_member recolor=-3 :class_member ClassMember * after_term noeat "\c" class_member :global_var GlobalVar * after_term noeat "\c" global_var .end .subr inmatch_recur :inmatch Constant * inmatch & after_term return % inmatch call=.inmatch_recur() "#" inmatch_maybe_subst "\\" inmatch_quote recolor=-1 :inmatch_maybe_subst Constant * inmatch noeat "{" inmatch_subst recolor=-2 call=.ruby(squiggly) :inmatch_subst Idle * inmatch noeat :inmatch_quote Escape * inmatch .end