--[[ https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231 ]] local lpeg = require "lpeg" local core = require "lpeg_patterns.core" local email = require "lpeg_patterns.email" local language = require "lpeg_patterns.language" local uri = require "lpeg_patterns.uri" local util = require "lpeg_patterns.util" local C = lpeg.C local Cc = lpeg.Cc local Cf = lpeg.Cf local Cg = lpeg.Cg local Cs = lpeg.Cs local Ct = lpeg.Ct local Cmt = lpeg.Cmt local P = lpeg.P local R = lpeg.R local S = lpeg.S local V = lpeg.V local _M = {} local T_F = S"Tt" * Cc(true) + S"Ff" * Cc(false) local function no_rich_capture(patt) return C(patt) / function(a) return a end end local function case_insensitive(str) local patt = P(true) for i=1, #str do local c = str:sub(i, i) patt = patt * S(c:upper() .. c:lower()) end return patt end -- RFC 7230 Section 3.2.3 _M.OWS = (core.SP + core.HTAB)^0 _M.RWS = (core.SP + core.HTAB)^1 _M.BWS = _M.OWS -- RFC 5023 local slugtext = _M.RWS / " " + P"%" * (core.HEXDIG * core.HEXDIG / util.read_hex) / string.char + R"\32\126" _M.SLUG = Cs(slugtext^0) -- RFC 6454 -- discard captures from scheme, host, port and just get whole string local serialized_origin = C(uri.scheme * P"://" * uri.host * (P":" * uri.port)^-1/function() end) local origin_list = serialized_origin * (core.SP * serialized_origin)^0 local origin_list_or_null = P"null" + origin_list _M.Origin = _M.OWS * origin_list_or_null * _M.OWS -- Analogue to RFC 7230 Section 7's ABNF extension of '#' -- Also documented as `#rule` under RFC 2616 Section 2.1 local comma_sep, comma_sep_trim do local sep = _M.OWS * lpeg.P "," * _M.OWS local optional_sep = (lpeg.P"," + core.SP + core.HTAB)^0 comma_sep = function(element, min, max) local extra = sep * optional_sep * element local patt = element if min then for _=2, min do patt = patt * extra end else min = 0 patt = patt^-1 end if max then local more = max-min-1 patt = patt * extra^-more else patt = patt * extra^0 end return patt end -- allows leading + trailing comma_sep_trim = function (...) return optional_sep * comma_sep(...) * optional_sep end end -- RFC 7034 _M.X_Frame_Options = case_insensitive "deny" * Cc("deny") + case_insensitive "sameorigin" * Cc("sameorigin") + case_insensitive "allow-from" * _M.RWS * serialized_origin -- RFC 7230 Section 2.6 local HTTP_name = P"HTTP" local HTTP_version = HTTP_name * P"/" * (core.DIGIT * P"." * core.DIGIT / util.safe_tonumber) -- RFC 7230 Section 2.7 local absolute_path = (P"/" * uri.segment )^1 local partial_uri = Ct(uri.relative_part * (P"?" * uri.query)^-1) -- RFC 7230 Section 3.2.6 local tchar = S "!#$%&'*+-.^_`|~" + core.DIGIT + core.ALPHA _M.token = C(tchar^1) local obs_text = R("\128\255") _M.qdtext = core.HTAB + core.SP + P"\33" + R("\35\91", "\93\126") + obs_text local quoted_pair = Cs(P"\\" * C(core.HTAB + core.SP + core.VCHAR + obs_text) / "%1") _M.quoted_string = core.DQUOTE * Cs((_M.qdtext + quoted_pair)^0) * core.DQUOTE local ctext = core.HTAB + core.SP + R("\33\39", "\42\91", "\93\126") + obs_text _M.comment = P { P"(" * ( ctext + quoted_pair + V(1) )^0 * P")" } -- RFC 7230 Section 3.2 _M.field_name = _M.token / string.lower -- case insensitive local field_vchar = core.VCHAR + obs_text local field_content = field_vchar * (( core.SP + core.HTAB )^1 * field_vchar)^-1 local obs_fold = ( core.SP + core.HTAB )^0 * core.CRLF * ( core.SP + core.HTAB )^1 / " " -- field_value is not correct, see Errata: https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata_search.php?rfc=7230&eid=4189 _M.field_value = Cs((field_content + obs_fold)^0) _M.header_field = _M.field_name * P":" * _M.OWS * _M.field_value * _M.OWS -- RFC 7230 Section 3.3.2 _M.Content_Length = core.DIGIT^1 -- RFC 7230 Section 4 -- See https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata_search.php?rfc=7230&eid=4683 local transfer_parameter = (_M.token - S"qQ" * _M.BWS * P"=") * _M.BWS * P"=" * _M.BWS * ( _M.token + _M.quoted_string ) local transfer_extension = Cf(Ct(_M.token / string.lower) -- case insensitive * ( _M.OWS * P";" * _M.OWS * Cg(transfer_parameter) )^0, rawset) local transfer_coding = transfer_extension -- RFC 7230 Section 3.3.1 _M.Transfer_Encoding = comma_sep_trim(transfer_coding, 1) -- RFC 7230 Section 4.1.1 local chunk_ext_name = _M.token local chunk_ext_val = _M.token + _M.quoted_string -- See https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata_search.php?rfc=7230&eid=4667 _M.chunk_ext = ( P";" * chunk_ext_name * ( P"=" * chunk_ext_val)^-1 )^0 -- RFC 7230 Section 4.3 local rank = (P"0" * ((P"." * core.DIGIT^-3) / util.safe_tonumber + Cc(0)) + P"1" * ("." * (P"0")^-3)^-1) * Cc(1) local t_ranking = _M.OWS * P";" * _M.OWS * S"qQ" * P"=" * rank -- q is case insensitive local t_codings = (transfer_coding * t_ranking^-1) / function(t, q) if q then t["q"] = q end return t end _M.TE = comma_sep_trim(t_codings) -- RFC 7230 Section 4.4 _M.Trailer = comma_sep_trim(_M.field_name, 1) -- RFC 7230 Section 5.3 local origin_form = Cs(absolute_path * (P"?" * uri.query)^-1) local absolute_form = no_rich_capture(uri.absolute_uri) local authority_form = no_rich_capture(uri.authority) local asterisk_form = C"*" _M.request_target = asterisk_form + origin_form + absolute_form + authority_form -- RFC 7230 Section 3.1.1 local method = _M.token _M.request_line = method * core.SP * _M.request_target * core.SP * HTTP_version * core.CRLF -- RFC 7230 Section 5.4 _M.Host = uri.host * (P":" * uri.port)^-1 -- RFC 7230 Section 6.7 local protocol_name = _M.token local protocol_version = _M.token local protocol = protocol_name * (P"/" * protocol_version)^-1 / "%0" _M.Upgrade = comma_sep_trim(protocol) -- RFC 7230 Section 5.7.1 local received_protocol = (protocol_name * P"/" + Cc("HTTP")) * protocol_version / "%1/%2" local pseudonym = _M.token -- workaround for https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ietf-http-wg/2016OctDec/0527.html local received_by = uri.host * ((P":" * uri.port) + -lpeg.B(",")) / "%0" + pseudonym _M.Via = comma_sep_trim(Ct(Cg(received_protocol, "protocol") * _M.RWS * Cg(received_by, "by") * (_M.RWS * Cg(_M.comment, "comment"))^-1), 1) -- RFC 7230 Section 6.1 local connection_option = _M.token / string.lower -- case insensitive _M.Connection = comma_sep_trim(connection_option) -- RFC 7231 Section 3.1.1 local content_coding = _M.token / string.lower -- case insensitive _M.Content_Encoding = comma_sep_trim(content_coding, 1) -- RFC 7231 Section 3.1.2 local type = _M.token / string.lower -- case insensitive local subtype = _M.token / string.lower -- case insensitive local parameter = _M.token / string.lower -- case insensitive * P"=" * (_M.token + _M.quoted_string) local media_type = Cg(type, "type") * P"/" * Cg(subtype, "subtype") * Cg(Cf(Ct(true) * (_M.OWS * P";" * _M.OWS * Cg(parameter))^0, rawset), "parameters") local charset = _M.token / string.lower -- case insensitive _M.Content_Type = Ct(media_type) -- RFC 7231 Section 3.1.3 _M.Content_Language = comma_sep_trim(language.Language_Tag, 1) -- RFC 7231 Section _M.Content_Location = uri.absolute_uri + partial_uri -- RFC 7231 Section 5.1.1 _M.Expect = P"100-"*S"cC"*S"oO"*S"nN"*S"tT"*S"iI"*S"nN"*S"uU"*S"eE" * Cc("100-continue") -- RFC 7231 Section 5.1.2 _M.Max_Forwards = core.DIGIT^1 / tonumber -- RFC 7231 Section 5.3.1 local qvalue = rank -- luacheck: ignore 211 local weight = t_ranking -- RFC 7231 Section 5.3.2 local media_range = (P"*/*" + (Cg(type, "type") * P"/*") + (Cg(type, "type") * P"/" * Cg(subtype, "subtype")) ) * Cg(Cf(Ct(true) * (_M.OWS * ";" * _M.OWS * Cg(parameter) - weight)^0, rawset), "parameters") local accept_ext = _M.OWS * P";" * _M.OWS * _M.token * (P"=" * (_M.token + _M.quoted_string))^-1 local accept_params = Cg(weight, "q") * Cg(Cf(Ct(true) * Cg(accept_ext)^0, rawset), "extensions") _M.Accept = comma_sep_trim(Ct(media_range * (accept_params+Cg(Ct(true), "extensions")))) -- RFC 7231 Section 5.3.3 _M.Accept_Charset = comma_sep_trim((charset + P"*") * weight^-1, 1) -- RFC 7231 Section 5.3.4 local codings = content_coding + "*" _M.Accept_Encoding = comma_sep_trim(codings * weight^-1) -- RFC 4647 Section 2.1 local alphanum = core.ALPHA + core.DIGIT local language_range = (core.ALPHA * core.ALPHA^-7 * (P"-" * alphanum * alphanum^-7)^0) + P"*" -- RFC 7231 Section 5.3.5 _M.Accept_Language = comma_sep_trim(language_range * weight^-1, 1) -- RFC 7231 Section 5.5.1 _M.From = email.mailbox -- RFC 7231 Section 5.5.2 _M.Referer = uri.absolute_uri + partial_uri -- RFC 7231 Section 5.5.3 local product_version = _M.token local product = _M.token * (P"/" * product_version)^-1 _M.User_Agent = product * (_M.RWS * (product + _M.comment))^0 -- RFC 7231 Section -- Uses os.date field names local day_name = Cg(P"Mon"*Cc(2) + P"Tue"*Cc(3) + P"Wed"*Cc(4) + P"Thu"*Cc(5) + P"Fri"*Cc(6) + P"Sat"*Cc(7) + P"Sun"*Cc(1), "wday") local day = Cg(core.DIGIT * core.DIGIT / tonumber, "day") local month = Cg(P"Jan"*Cc(1) + P"Feb"*Cc(2) + P"Mar"*Cc(3) + P"Apr"*Cc(4) + P"May"*Cc(5) + P"Jun"*Cc(6) + P"Jul"*Cc(7) + P"Aug"*Cc(8) + P"Sep"*Cc(9) + P"Oct"*Cc(10) + P"Nov"*Cc(11) + P"Dec"*Cc(12), "month") local year = Cg(core.DIGIT * core.DIGIT * core.DIGIT * core.DIGIT / tonumber, "year") local date1 = day * core.SP * month * core.SP * year local GMT = P"GMT" local minute = Cg(core.DIGIT * core.DIGIT / tonumber, "min") local second = Cg(core.DIGIT * core.DIGIT / tonumber, "sec") local hour = Cg(core.DIGIT * core.DIGIT / tonumber, "hour") -- XXX only match 00:00:00 - 23:59:60 (leap second)? local time_of_day = hour * P":" * minute * P":" * second _M.IMF_fixdate = Ct(day_name * P"," * core.SP * date1 * core.SP * time_of_day * core.SP * GMT) local date2 do local year_barrier = 70 local twodayyear = Cg(core.DIGIT * core.DIGIT / function(y) y = tonumber(y, 10) if y < year_barrier then return 2000+y else return 1900+y end end, "year") date2 = day * P"-" * month * P"-" * twodayyear end local day_name_l = Cg(P"Monday"*Cc(2) + P"Tuesday"*Cc(3) + P"Wednesday"*Cc(4) + P"Thursday"*Cc(5) + P"Friday"*Cc(6) + P"Saturday"*Cc(7) + P"Sunday"*Cc(1), "wday") local rfc850_date = Ct(day_name_l * P"," * core.SP * date2 * core.SP * time_of_day * core.SP * GMT) local date3 = month * core.SP * (day + Cg(core.SP * core.DIGIT / tonumber, "day")) local asctime_date = Ct(day_name * core.SP * date3 * core.SP * time_of_day * core.SP * year) local obs_date = rfc850_date + asctime_date local HTTP_date = _M.IMF_fixdate + obs_date _M.Date = HTTP_date -- RFC 7231 Section 7.1.2 _M.Location = uri.uri_reference -- RFC 7231 Section 7.1.3 local delay_seconds = core.DIGIT^1 / tonumber _M.Retry_After = HTTP_date + delay_seconds -- RFC 7231 Section 7.1.4 _M.Vary = P"*" + comma_sep(_M.field_name, 1) -- RFC 7231 Section 7.4.1 _M.Allow = comma_sep_trim(method) -- RFC 7231 Section 7.4.2 _M.Server = product * (_M.RWS * (product + _M.comment))^0 -- RFC 5789 _M.Accept_Patch = comma_sep_trim(media_type, 1) -- RFC 5987 local attr_char = core.ALPHA + core.DIGIT + S"!#$&+-.^_`|~" -- can't use uri.pct_encoded, as it doesn't decode all characters local pct_encoded = P"%" * (core.HEXDIG * core.HEXDIG / util.read_hex) / string.char local value_chars = Cs((pct_encoded + attr_char)^0) local parmname = C(attr_char^1) local ext_value do -- ext-value uses charset from RFC 5987 instead local mime_charsetc = core.ALPHA + core.DIGIT + S"!#$%&+-^_`{}~" local mime_charset = C(mime_charsetc^1) ext_value = Cg(mime_charset, "charset") * P"'" * Cg(language.Language_Tag, "language")^-1 * P"'" * value_chars end do -- RFC 5988 local ptokenchar = S"!#$%&'()*+-./:<=>?@[]^_`{|}~" + core.DIGIT + core.ALPHA local ptoken = ptokenchar^1 local ext_name_star = parmname * P"*" local link_extension = ext_name_star * P"=" * ext_value + parmname * (P"=" * (ptoken + _M.quoted_string))^-1 -- See https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata_search.php?rfc=5988&eid=3158 local link_param = link_extension local link_value = Cf(Ct(P"<" * uri.uri_reference * P">") * (_M.OWS * P";" * _M.OWS * Cg(link_param))^0, rawset) -- TODO: handle multiple ext_value variants... -- e.g. server might provide one title in english, one in chinese, client should be able to pick which one to display _M.Link = comma_sep_trim(link_value) end do -- RFC 6265 local cookie_name = _M.token local cookie_octet = S"!" + R("\35\43", "\45\58", "\60\91", "\93\126") local cookie_value = core.DQUOTE * C(cookie_octet^0) * core.DQUOTE + C(cookie_octet^0) local cookie_pair = cookie_name * _M.BWS * P"=" * _M.BWS * cookie_value * _M.BWS local ext_char = core.CHAR - core.CTL - S";" ext_char = ext_char - core.WSP + core.WSP * #(core.WSP^0 * ext_char) -- No trailing whitespace -- Complexity is to make sure whitespace before an `=` isn't captured local extension_av = ((ext_char - S"=" - core.WSP) + core.WSP^1 * #(1-S"="))^0 / string.lower * _M.BWS * P"=" * _M.BWS * C(ext_char^0) + (ext_char)^0 / string.lower * Cc(true) local cookie_av = extension_av local set_cookie_string = cookie_pair * Cf(Ct(true) * (P";" * _M.OWS * Cg(cookie_av))^0, rawset) _M.Set_Cookie = set_cookie_string local cookie_string = Cf(Ct(true) * Cg(cookie_pair) * (P";" * _M.OWS * Cg(cookie_pair))^0, rawset) _M.Cookie = cookie_string end do -- RFC 6266 local disp_ext_type = _M.token / string.lower local disposition_type = disp_ext_type local ext_token = C((tchar-P"*"*(-tchar))^1) * P"*" -- can't use 'token' here as we need to not include the "*" at the end local value = _M.token + _M.quoted_string local disp_ext_parm = ext_token * _M.OWS * P"=" * _M.OWS * ext_value + _M.token * _M.OWS * P"=" * _M.OWS * value local disposition_parm = disp_ext_parm _M.Content_Disposition = disposition_type * Cf(Ct(true) * (_M.OWS * P";" * _M.OWS * Cg(disposition_parm))^0, rawset) end -- RFC 6455 local base64_character = core.ALPHA + core.DIGIT + S"+/" local base64_data = base64_character * base64_character * base64_character * base64_character local base64_padding = base64_character * base64_character * P"==" + base64_character * base64_character * base64_character * P"=" local base64_value_non_empty = (base64_data^1 * base64_padding^-1) + base64_padding _M.Sec_WebSocket_Accept = base64_value_non_empty _M.Sec_WebSocket_Key = base64_value_non_empty local registered_token = _M.token local extension_token = registered_token local extension_param do local EOF = P(-1) local token_then_EOF = Cc(true) * _M.token * EOF -- the quoted-string must be a valid token local quoted_token = Cmt(_M.quoted_string, function(_, _, q) return token_then_EOF:match(q) end) extension_param = _M.token * ((P"=" * (_M.token + quoted_token)) + Cc(true)) end local extension = extension_token * Cg(Cf(Ct(true) * (P";" * Cg(extension_param))^0, rawset), "parameters") local extension_list = comma_sep_trim(Ct(extension)) _M.Sec_WebSocket_Extensions = extension_list _M.Sec_WebSocket_Protocol_Client = comma_sep_trim(_M.token) _M.Sec_WebSocket_Protocol_Server = _M.token local NZDIGIT = S"123456789" -- Limited to 0-255 range, with no leading zeros local version = ( P"2" * (S"01234" * core.DIGIT + P"5" * S"012345") + (P"1") * core.DIGIT * core.DIGIT + NZDIGIT * core.DIGIT^-1 ) / tonumber _M.Sec_WebSocket_Version_Client = version _M.Sec_WebSocket_Version_Server = comma_sep_trim(version) -- RFC 6797 local directive_name = _M.token / string.lower local directive_value = _M.token + _M.quoted_string local directive = Cg(directive_name * ((_M.OWS * P"=" * _M.OWS * directive_value) + Cc(true))) _M.Strict_Transport_Security = directive^-1 * (_M.OWS * P";" * _M.OWS * directive^-1)^0 -- RFC 7089 _M.Accept_Datetime = _M.IMF_fixdate _M.Memento_Datetime = _M.IMF_fixdate -- RFC 7232 Section 2.2 _M.Last_Modified = HTTP_date -- RFC 7232 Section 2.3 local weak = P"W/" -- case sensitive local etagc = P"\33" + R"\35\115" + obs_text local opaque_tag = core.DQUOTE * etagc^0 * core.DQUOTE local entity_tag = Cg(weak*Cc(true) + Cc(false), "weak") * C(opaque_tag) _M.ETag = entity_tag -- RFC 7232 Section 3.1 _M.If_Match = P"*" + comma_sep(entity_tag, 1) -- RFC 7232 Section 3.2 _M.If_None_Match = P"*" + comma_sep(entity_tag, 1) -- RFC 7232 Section 3.3 _M.If_Modified_Since = HTTP_date -- RFC 7232 Section 3.4 _M.If_Unmodified_Since = HTTP_date -- RFC 4918 local Coded_URL = P"<" * uri.absolute_uri * P">" local extend = Coded_URL + _M.token local compliance_class = P"1" + P"2" + P"3" + extend _M.DAV = comma_sep_trim(compliance_class) _M.Depth = P"0" * Cc(0) + P"1" * Cc(1) + case_insensitive "infinity" * Cc(math.huge) local Simple_ref = uri.absolute_uri + partial_uri _M.Destination = Simple_ref local State_token = Coded_URL local Condition = (case_insensitive("not") * Cc("not"))^-1 * _M.OWS * (State_token + P"[" * entity_tag * P"]") local List = P"(" * _M.OWS * (Condition * _M.OWS)^1 * P")" local No_tag_list = List local Resource_Tag = P"<" * Simple_ref * P">" local Tagged_list = Resource_Tag * _M.OWS * (List * _M.OWS)^1 _M.If = (Tagged_list * _M.OWS)^1 + (No_tag_list * _M.OWS)^1 _M.Lock_Token = Coded_URL _M.Overwrite = T_F local DAVTimeOutVal = core.DIGIT^1 / tonumber local TimeType = case_insensitive "Second-" * DAVTimeOutVal + case_insensitive "Infinite" * Cc(math.huge) _M.TimeOut = comma_sep_trim(TimeType) -- RFC 5323 _M.DASL = comma_sep_trim(Coded_URL, 1) -- RFC 6638 _M.Schedule_Reply = T_F _M.Schedule_Tag = opaque_tag _M.If_Schedule_Tag_Match = opaque_tag -- RFC 7233 local bytes_unit = P"bytes" local other_range_unit = _M.token local range_unit = C(bytes_unit) + other_range_unit local first_byte_pos = core.DIGIT^1 / tonumber local last_byte_pos = core.DIGIT^1 / tonumber local byte_range_spec = first_byte_pos * P"-" * last_byte_pos^-1 local suffix_length = core.DIGIT^1 / tonumber local suffix_byte_range_spec = Cc(nil) * P"-" * suffix_length local byte_range_set = comma_sep(byte_range_spec + suffix_byte_range_spec, 1) local byte_ranges_specifier = bytes_unit * P"=" * byte_range_set -- RFC 7233 Section 2.3 local acceptable_ranges = comma_sep_trim(range_unit, 1) + P"none" _M.Accept_Ranges = acceptable_ranges -- RFC 7233 Section 3.1 local other_range_set = core.VCHAR^1 local other_ranges_specifier = other_range_unit * P"=" * other_range_set _M.Range = byte_ranges_specifier + other_ranges_specifier -- RFC 7233 Section 3.2 _M.If_Range = entity_tag + HTTP_date -- RFC 7233 Section 4.2 local complete_length = core.DIGIT^1 / tonumber local unsatisfied_range = P"*/" * complete_length local byte_range = first_byte_pos * P"-" * last_byte_pos local byte_range_resp = byte_range * P"/" * (complete_length + P"*") local byte_content_range = bytes_unit * core.SP * (byte_range_resp + unsatisfied_range) local other_range_resp = core.CHAR^0 local other_content_range = other_range_unit * core.SP * other_range_resp _M.Content_Range = byte_content_range + other_content_range -- RFC 7234 Section 1.2.1 local delta_seconds = core.DIGIT^1 / tonumber -- RFC 7234 Section 5.1 _M.Age = delta_seconds -- RFC 7234 Section 5.2 local cache_directive = _M.token * (P"=" * (_M.token + _M.quoted_string))^-1 _M.Cache_Control = comma_sep_trim(cache_directive, 1) -- RFC 7234 Section 5.3 _M.Expires = HTTP_date -- RFC 7234 Section 5.4 local extension_pragma = _M.token * (P"=" * (_M.token + _M.quoted_string))^-1 local pragma_directive = "no_cache" + extension_pragma _M.Pragma = comma_sep_trim(pragma_directive, 1) -- RFC 7234 Section 5.5 local warn_code = core.DIGIT * core.DIGIT * core.DIGIT local warn_agent = (uri.host * (P":" * uri.port)^-1) + pseudonym local warn_text = _M.quoted_string local warn_date = core.DQUOTE * HTTP_date * core.DQUOTE local warning_value = warn_code * core.SP * warn_agent * core.SP * warn_text * (core.SP * warn_date)^-1 _M.Warning = comma_sep_trim(warning_value, 1) -- RFC 7235 Section 2 local auth_scheme = _M.token local auth_param = Cg(_M.token / string.lower * _M.BWS * P"=" * _M.BWS * (_M.token + _M.quoted_string)) local token68 = C((core.ALPHA + core.DIGIT + P"-" + P"." + P"_" + P"~" + P"+" + P"/" )^1 * (P"=")^0) -- TODO: each parameter name MUST only occur once per challenge local challenge = auth_scheme * (core.SP^1 * (Cf(Ct(true) * comma_sep(auth_param), rawset) + token68))^-1 local credentials = challenge -- RFC 7235 Section 4 _M.WWW_Authenticate = comma_sep_trim(Ct(challenge), 1) _M.Authorization = credentials _M.Proxy_Authenticate = _M.WWW_Authenticate _M.Proxy_Authorization = _M.Proxy_Authorization -- RFC 7239 Section 4 local value = _M.token + _M.quoted_string local forwarded_pair = _M.token * P"=" * value local forwarded_element = forwarded_pair^-1 * (P";" * forwarded_pair^-1)^0 _M.Forwarded = comma_sep_trim(forwarded_element) -- RFC 7469 local Public_Key_Directives = directive * (_M.OWS * P";" * _M.OWS * directive)^0 _M.Public_Key_Pins = Public_Key_Directives _M.Public_Key_Pins_Report_Only = Public_Key_Directives -- RFC 7486 _M.Hobareg = C"regok" + C"reginwork" -- RFC 7615 _M.Authentication_Info = comma_sep_trim(auth_param) _M.Proxy_Authentication_Info = comma_sep_trim(auth_param) -- RFC 7639 local protocol_id = _M.token _M.ALPN = comma_sep_trim(protocol_id, 1) -- RFC 7809 _M.CalDAV_Timezones = T_F -- RFC 7838 local clear = C"clear" -- case-sensitive local alt_authority = _M.quoted_string -- containing [ uri_host ] ":" port local alternative = protocol_id * P"=" * alt_authority local alt_value = alternative * (_M.OWS * P";" * _M.OWS * parameter)^0 _M.Alt_Svc = clear + comma_sep_trim(alt_value, 1) _M.Alt_Used = uri.host * (P":" * uri.port)^-1 return _M