package = 'lua-Coat' version = '0.9.2-1' source = { url = '', md5 = '4a409bb83b809d6324cb5e6df3ac0a54', dir = 'lua-Coat-0.9.2', } description = { summary = "Yet Another Lua Object-Oriented Model", detailed = [[ lua-Coat is a Lua 5.1 port of Coat (, a Perl5 module which mimics Moose (, an object system for Perl5 which borrows features from Perl6, CLOS (LISP), Smalltalk and many other languages. ]], homepage = '', maintainer = 'Francois Perrad', license = 'MIT/X11' } dependencies = { 'lua >= 5.1', 'lua-testmore >= 0.2.3', } build = { type = 'builtin', modules = { ['Coat'] = 'src/Coat.lua', ['Coat.Meta.Class'] = 'src/Coat/Meta/Class.lua', ['Coat.Meta.Role'] = 'src/Coat/Meta/Role.lua', ['Coat.Role'] = 'src/Coat/Role.lua', ['Coat.Types'] = 'src/Coat/Types.lua', ['Coat.UML'] = 'src/Coat/UML.lua', ['Coat.file'] = 'src/Coat/file.lua', }, install = { bin = { 'src/coat2dot' } }, copy_directories = { 'docs', 'test' }, }