-- URI -- RFC 3986 local lpeg = require "lpeg" local P = lpeg.P local S = lpeg.S local C = lpeg.C local Cc = lpeg.Cc local Cg = lpeg.Cg local Cs = lpeg.Cs local Ct = lpeg.Ct local util = require "lpeg_patterns.util" local core = require "lpeg_patterns.core" local ALPHA = core.ALPHA local DIGIT = core.DIGIT local HEXDIG = core.HEXDIG local IPv4address = require "lpeg_patterns.IPv4".IPv4address local IPv6address = require "lpeg_patterns.IPv6".IPv6address local _M = {} _M.sub_delims = S"!$&'()*+,;=" -- 2.2 local unreserved = ALPHA + DIGIT + S"-._~" -- 2.3 _M.pct_encoded = P"%" * (HEXDIG * HEXDIG / util.read_hex) / function(n) local c = string.char(n) if unreserved:match(c) then -- always decode unreserved characters (2.3) return c else -- normalise to upper-case ( return string.format("%%%02X", n) end end -- 2.1 _M.scheme = ALPHA * (ALPHA + DIGIT + S"+-.")^0 / string.lower -- 3.1 _M.userinfo = Cs((unreserved + _M.pct_encoded + _M.sub_delims + P":")^0) -- 3.2.1 -- Host 3.2.2 local IPvFuture_mt = { __name = "lpeg_patterns.IPvFuture"; } function IPvFuture_mt:__tostring() return string.format("v%x.%s", self.version, self.string) end local function new_IPvFuture(version, string) return setmetatable({version=version, string=string}, IPvFuture_mt) end local IPvFuture = S"vV" * (HEXDIG^1/util.read_hex) * P"." * C((unreserved+_M.sub_delims+P":")^1) / new_IPvFuture -- RFC 6874 local ZoneID = Cs((unreserved + _M.pct_encoded)^1) local IPv6addrz = IPv6address * (P"%25" * ZoneID)^-1 / function(IPv6, zoneid) IPv6:setzoneid(zoneid) return IPv6 end _M.IP_literal = P"[" * (IPv6addrz + IPvFuture) * P"]" local IP_host = (_M.IP_literal + IPv4address) / tostring local reg_name = Cs(( unreserved / string.lower + _M.pct_encoded / function(s) return s:sub(1,1) == "%" and s or string.lower(s) end + _M.sub_delims )^1) + Cc(nil) _M.host = IP_host + reg_name _M.port = DIGIT^0 / tonumber -- 3.2.3 -- Path 3.3 local pchar = unreserved + _M.pct_encoded + _M.sub_delims + S":@" local segment = pchar^0 _M.segment = Cs(segment) local segment_nz = pchar^1 local segment_nz_nc = (pchar - P":")^1 -- an empty path is nil instead of the empty string local path_empty = Cc(nil) local path_abempty = Cs((P"/" * segment)^1) + path_empty local path_rootless = Cs(segment_nz * (P"/" * segment)^0) local path_noscheme = Cs(segment_nz_nc * (P"/" * segment)^0) local path_absolute = Cs(P"/" * (segment_nz * (P"/" * segment)^0)^-1) _M.query = Cs( ( pchar + S"/?" )^0 ) -- 3.4 _M.fragment = _M.query -- 3.5 -- Put together with named captures _M.authority = ( Cg(_M.userinfo, "userinfo") * P"@" )^-1 * Cg(_M.host, "host") * ( P":" * Cg(_M.port, "port") )^-1 local hier_part = P"//" * _M.authority * Cg (path_abempty, "path") + Cg(path_absolute + path_rootless + path_empty, "path") _M.absolute_uri = Ct ( ( Cg(_M.scheme, "scheme") * P":" ) * hier_part * ( P"?" * Cg(_M.query, "query"))^-1 ) _M.uri = Ct ( ( Cg(_M.scheme, "scheme") * P":" ) * hier_part * ( P"?" * Cg(_M.query, "query"))^-1 * ( P"#" * Cg(_M.fragment, "fragment"))^-1 ) _M.relative_part = P"//" * _M.authority * Cg(path_abempty, "path") + Cg(path_absolute + path_noscheme + path_empty, "path") local relative_ref = Ct ( _M.relative_part * ( P"?" * Cg(_M.query, "query"))^-1 * ( P"#" * Cg(_M.fragment, "fragment"))^-1 ) _M.uri_reference = _M.uri + relative_ref _M.path = path_abempty + path_absolute + path_noscheme + path_rootless + path_empty -- Create a slightly more sane host pattern -- scheme is optional -- the "//" isn't required -- if missing, the host needs to at least have a "." and end in two alpha characters -- an authority is always required local sane_host_char = unreserved / string.lower local hostsegment = (sane_host_char - P".")^1 local dns_entry = Cs ( ( hostsegment * P"." )^1 * ALPHA^2 ) _M.sane_host = IP_host + dns_entry _M.sane_authority = ( Cg(_M.userinfo, "userinfo") * P"@" )^-1 * Cg(_M.sane_host, "host") * ( P":" * Cg(_M.port, "port") )^-1 local sane_hier_part = (P"//")^-1 * _M.sane_authority * Cg(path_absolute + path_empty, "path") _M.sane_uri = Ct ( ( Cg(_M.scheme, "scheme") * P":" )^-1 * sane_hier_part * ( P"?" * Cg(_M.query, "query"))^-1 * ( P"#" * Cg(_M.fragment, "fragment"))^-1 ) return _M