#include-once ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: String_Constants ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Constants to be included in an AutoIt v3 script when using String functions. ; Author(s) .....: guinness, jpm ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CONSTANTS# =================================================================================================================== ; StringCompare, StringInStr, StringReplace constants ; Indicates if string operations should be case sensitive Global Const $STR_NOCASESENSE = 0 ; Not case sensitive (default) Global Const $STR_CASESENSE = 1 ; Case sensitive Global Const $STR_NOCASESENSEBASIC = 2 ; Not case sensitive, using a basic comparison ; StringStripWS Constants ; Indicates the type of stripping that should be performed Global Const $STR_STRIPLEADING = 1 ; Strip leading whitespace Global Const $STR_STRIPTRAILING = 2 ; Strip trailing whitespace Global Const $STR_STRIPSPACES = 4 ; Strip double (or more) spaces between words Global Const $STR_STRIPALL = 8 ; Strip all spaces (over-rides all other flags) ; StringSplit Constants Global Const $STR_CHRSPLIT = 0 ; Each character in the delimiter string will mark the split Global Const $STR_ENTIRESPLIT = 1 ; Entire delimiter marks the split Global Const $STR_NOCOUNT = 2 ; Disable the return count ; StringRegExp Constants Global Const $STR_REGEXPMATCH = 0 ; Return 1 if match. Global Const $STR_REGEXPARRAYMATCH = 1 ; Return array of matches. Global Const $STR_REGEXPARRAYFULLMATCH = 2 ; Return array of matches including the full match (Perl / PHP style). Global Const $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH = 3 ; Return array of global matches. Global Const $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALFULLMATCH = 4 ; Return an array of arrays containing global matches including the full match (Perl / PHP style).Global Const $STR_REGEXPMATCH = 0 ; Each character in the delimiter string will mark the split ; _StringBetween Constants Global Const $STR_ENDISSTART = 0 ; End acts as next start when end = start Global Const $STR_ENDNOTSTART = 1 ; End does not act as new start when end = start ; BinaryToString, StringToBinary constants Global Const $SB_ANSI = 1 Global Const $SB_UTF16LE = 2 Global Const $SB_UTF16BE = 3 Global Const $SB_UTF8 = 4 ; StringFromASCIIArray constants Global Const $SE_UTF16 = 0 Global Const $SE_ANSI = 1 Global Const $SE_UTF8 = 2 ; StringReverse Constants Global Const $STR_UTF16 = 0 Global Const $STR_UCS2 = 1 ; ===============================================================================================================================