#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # fli4l __FLI4LVER__ - configuration check for isdn # # Last Update: $Id$ # # Creation: 26.06.2001 fm # Copyright (c) 2004-2016 - fli4l-Team #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ISDN_BANDWIDTH = '()|((RE:NUMERIC)[[:space:]](RE:NUMERIC))' : 'ISDN_CIRC_x_BANDWITH must be a number followed by a space and a number or else it must be left empty' ISDN_AUTH = '()|chap|pap' : 'ISDN_CIRC_x_AUTH must be set to pap or chap or else it must be left empty' ISDN_CALLBACK = 'off|in|out|cbcp[036]?' : 'ISDN_CIRC_x_CALLBACK must be set to off, in, out, cbcp, cbcp0, cbcp3 or cbcp6' ISDN_FRAMECOMP = 'no|default|all|lzs|lzsstd|lzsext|bsdcomp|lzsstd-mh' : 'ISDN_CIRC_x_FRAMECOMP must be set to no, default, all, lzs, lzsstd, lzsext, bsdcomp or lzsstd-mh' ISDN_LZSCOMP = '[0-9]' : 'ISDN_LZS_COMP must be set to a value between 0 and 9' ISDN_LZSDEBUG = '[0-3]' : 'ISDN_LZS_DEBUG must be set to a value between 0 and 3' ISDN_LZSTWEAK = '(0x)?[0]*[0-7]' : 'ISDN_LZS_Tweak should be a decimal or hexadeimal number between 0 and 7' ISDN_TYPE = 'ppp|raw' : 'ISDN_CIRC_x_TYPE must be set to ppp or raw' ISDN_NAME = '[-0-9A-Za-z]{1,15}' : 'ISDN_CIRC_x_NAME name must consist of 1 to 15 characters (only alphanumerical characters and hyphens are acceptable)' ISDN_MSN = '[1-9][0-9]+' : 'a MSN must consist of a non-empty sequence of digits the first one of which may not be zero' ISDN_PHONE_NUMBER = '[0-9*]+' : 'a phone number must be a non-empty sequence of digits or the star ("*")' ISDN_PHONE_NUMBERS = '(RE:ISDN_PHONE_NUMBER)( +(RE:ISDN_PHONE_NUMBER))*' : 'expected a list of phone numbers' +FW_IF(OPT_ISDN)= 'isdn[+]|ippp[+]|circuit-[-_0-9A-Za-z]+' : '' +PPP_TYPE(OPT_PPP_ISDN) = 'isdn' : 'isdn; ' +PPP_TYPE(OPT_PPP_ISDN_SERVER) = 'isdn-server' : 'isdn-server; '