<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
  <title>404 - Privoxy Configuration Page not found</title>
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  <table cellpadding="20" cellspacing="10" border="0" width="100%">
      <td class="status">
      <td class="title" style="width: 100%">
#include mod-title
<!-- @if-unstable-start -->
      <td class="warning" colspan="2">
#include mod-unstable-warning
<!-- if-unstable-end@ -->
      <td class="warning" colspan="2">
        <h2>Privoxy Configuration page not found</h2>
            <p>You typed in what looks like a URL used to configure
               Privoxy, but it cannot be recognised.  Maybe it's
               for a different Privoxy version, or you typed it
               in wrong?  Or maybe the Privoxy administrator
               has decided to disable the feature.</p>
            <p>If you got here by clicking a link in the
               configuration interface, please file a bug report!</p>
            <p>You can use the menu below to select from the available
               configuration options</p>
      <td class="box" colspan="2">
        <h2>More Privoxy:</h2>
        <ul>@menu@<li><a href="@user-manual@">Documentation</a></li></ul>
      <td class="info" colspan="2">
#include mod-support-and-service
<!-- @if-have-help-info-start -->
      <td class="info" colspan="2">
#include mod-local-help
<!-- if-have-help-info-end@ -->