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  <title>Privoxy@@my-hostname@: Proxy Status</title>
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  <table summary="" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="10" border="0" width="100%">
      <td class="title">
#include mod-title
<!-- @if-unstable-start -->
      <td class="warning">
#include mod-unstable-warning
<!-- if-unstable-end@ -->
      <td class="box">
        <h2>The following files are in use:</h2>
        <table summary="Action, filter and trust files in use." class="transparent">
            <th colspan="2"><a href="@user-manual@@actions-help-prefix@ACTIONS-FILE">Actions Files:</a></th>
            <th colspan="2"><a href="@user-manual@filter-file.html">Filter Files:</a></th>
<!-- @if-trust-support-start -->
            <th colspan="2"><a href="@user-manual@config.html#TRUSTFILE">Trust File:</a></th>
            <td class="buttons">
              <!-- @if-have-trustfile-start -->
              <a href="show-status?file=trust">View</a>
              <!-- if-have-trustfile-end@ -->
<!-- if-trust-support-end@ -->
<!-- @if-cgi-editor-is-disabled-start -->
          The CGI editor is currently disabled, thus no edit buttons are shown.<br>
          Please have a look at the
           <a href="@user-manual@config.html#ENABLE-EDIT-ACTIONS">enable-edit-actions documentation</a>
          to learn how to enable it and what the risks are.
<!--  if-cgi-editor-is-disabled-end@ -->
      <td class="box">
        <h2>Privoxy was <a href="@user-manual@startup.html#CMDOPTIONS">invoked</a> as follows:</h2>
      <td class="box">
        <h2>The following options were given in the <a href="@user-manual@config.html">config file</a>:</h2>
<!-- @if-statistics-start -->
      <td class="box">
        <h2>Blocking Statistics:</h2>
  <!-- @if-have-stats-start -->
          @requests-blocked@ out of @requests-received@ requests have been blocked,
          which equals a block rate of @percent-blocked@%.
          <strong>Note that the statistics currently don't work properly for
          reused connections where only the last request gets counted.
          You may want to look into Privoxy-Log-Parser's --statistics option,
          which doesn't have this limitation.</strong>
<!-- if-have-stats-end@ -->
<!-- @if-have-no-stats-start -->
          There haven't been any requests so far.
<!-- if-have-no-stats-end@ -->
<!-- if-statistics-end@ -->
      <td class="box">
        <h2>Conditional #defines:</h2>
          <table summary="The state of some ./configure options and what they do." border="1" style="margin-left: 10px">
              <th>#define</th> <th>Enabled?</th> <th>Effects when enabled</th>
              <td>@if-FEATURE_ACCEPT_FILTER-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_ACCEPT_FILTER@ No @endif-FEATURE_ACCEPT_FILTER@</td>
              <td>Support for FreeBSD's accf_http(9) which is also available on some other BSDs.</td>
              <td>@if-FEATURE_ACL-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_ACL@ No @endif-FEATURE_ACL@</td>
              <td>Allows the use of an ACL to control access to Privoxy by IP address.</td>
              <td>@if-FEATURE_CGI_EDIT_ACTIONS-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_CGI_EDIT_ACTIONS@ No @endif-FEATURE_CGI_EDIT_ACTIONS@</td>
              <td>Allows the use of the @if-FEATURE_CGI_EDIT_ACTIONS-then@<a
                 @endif-FEATURE_CGI_EDIT_ACTIONS@web-based actions file
              <td>@if-FEATURE_COMPRESSION-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_COMPRESSION@ No @endif-FEATURE_COMPRESSION@</td>
               Allows to compress buffered content before sending it to the client, assuming the client supports it.
               Allows to send multiple request through the same connections if the server supports it.
               Requires the keep-alive-timeout config directive to be set.
               Allows to share outgoing connections between incoming connections.
               Requires the connection-sharing config directive to be set.
              <td>@if-FEATURE_FAST_REDIRECTS-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_FAST_REDIRECTS@ No @endif-FEATURE_FAST_REDIRECTS@</td>
              <td>Allows the +fast-redirects action, to bypass redirect and logging scripts.</td>
              <td>@if-FEATURE_FORCE_LOAD-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_FORCE_LOAD@ No @endif-FEATURE_FORCE_LOAD@</td>
              <td>Allows bypassing all filtering for a single page using the prefix
              <td>Allows to shutdown Privoxy through the web interface.</td>
              <td>@if-FEATURE_IMAGE_BLOCKING-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_IMAGE_BLOCKING@ No @endif-FEATURE_IMAGE_BLOCKING@</td>
              <td>Allows the +handle-as-image action, to send <q>blocked</q> images instead of HTML.</td>
              <td>@if-FEATURE_IPV6_SUPPORT-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_IPV6_SUPPORT@ No @endif-FEATURE_IPV6_SUPPORT@</td>
               Allows IPv6 addresses in incoming requests, when resolving domains to
               IP addresses and in the configuration files.
              <td>@if-FEATURE_IMAGE_DETECT_MSIE-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_IMAGE_DETECT_MSIE@ No @endif-FEATURE_IMAGE_DETECT_MSIE@</td>
              <td>Enables automatic detection of image and HTML requests from
               Microsoft Internet Explorer users, overriding the setting of
               +image in the actions file.</td>
              <td>@if-FEATURE_NO_GIFS-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_NO_GIFS@ No @endif-FEATURE_NO_GIFS@</td>
              <td>Use PNG instead of GIF for the built-in images.</td>
              <td>@if-FEATURE_PTHREAD-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_PTHREAD@ No @endif-FEATURE_PTHREAD@</td>
              <td>Use POSIX threads rather than native threads</td>
              <td>@if-FEATURE_STATISTICS-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_STATISTICS@ No @endif-FEATURE_STATISTICS@</td>
              <td>Enables the statistics function.</td>
              <td>@if-FEATURE_TOGGLE-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_TOGGLE@ No @endif-FEATURE_TOGGLE@</td>
              <td>Allow Privoxy to be <q>disabled</q> so it is just a normal non-blocking non-anonymizing proxy.</td>
              <td>@if-FEATURE_TRUST-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_TRUST@ No @endif-FEATURE_TRUST@</td>
              <td>Allows the use of trust files.</td>
              <td>@if-FEATURE_ZLIB-then@ Yes @else-not-FEATURE_ZLIB@ No @endif-FEATURE_ZLIB@</td>
              <td>Allows to decompress gzip and zlib compressed documents for filtering.
                Requires external zlib library and hasn't been tested on all platforms.</td>
              <td>@if-STATIC_PCRE-then@ Yes @else-not-STATIC_PCRE@ No @endif-STATIC_PCRE@</td>
              <td>Use the supplied statically-linked PCRE library. This is set automatically
               by <code>./configure</code> if you do not have the libpcre installed.
               Dynamically linking to an external libpcre is recommended as the internal
               one is outdated and lacks various features and bug-fixes you may be interested in.</td>
              <td>@if-STATIC_PCRS-then@ Yes @else-not-STATIC_PCRS@ No @endif-STATIC_PCRS@</td>
              <td>Use the supplied statically-linked PCRS library.  This is set automatically
               by <code>./configure</code> if you do not have the libpcrs installed.</td>
      <td class="box">
        <h2>More Privoxy:</h2>
        <ul>@menu@<li><a href="@user-manual@">Documentation</a></li></ul>
      <td class="info">
#include mod-support-and-service
<!-- @if-have-help-info-start -->
      <td class="info">
#include mod-local-help
<!-- if-have-help-info-end@ -->