config BR2_PACKAGE_WAFFLE_SUPPORTS_GLX bool default y if BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_LIBGL && BR2_PACKAGE_XORG7 config BR2_PACKAGE_WAFFLE_SUPPORTS_WAYLAND bool default y if BR2_PACKAGE_WAYLAND && BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_LIBEGL_WAYLAND config BR2_PACKAGE_WAFFLE_SUPPORTS_X11_EGL bool default y if BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_LIBEGL && BR2_PACKAGE_XORG7 config BR2_PACKAGE_WAFFLE_SUPPORTS_GBM bool # mesa3d is for now the only GBM provider, and it is enabled # together with its EGL support default y if BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_LIBEGL && BR2_PACKAGE_MESA3D_OPENGL_EGL && BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_UDEV config BR2_PACKAGE_WAFFLE bool "waffle" depends on BR2_PACKAGE_WAFFLE_SUPPORTS_GLX || \ BR2_PACKAGE_WAFFLE_SUPPORTS_WAYLAND || \ BR2_PACKAGE_WAFFLE_SUPPORTS_X11_EGL || \ BR2_PACKAGE_WAFFLE_SUPPORTS_GBM select BR2_PACKAGE_XLIB_LIBX11 if BR2_PACKAGE_WAFFLE_SUPPORTS_GLX || BR2_PACKAGE_WAFFLE_SUPPORTS_X11_EGL select BR2_PACKAGE_LIBXCB if BR2_PACKAGE_WAFFLE_SUPPORTS_GLX || BR2_PACKAGE_WAFFLE_SUPPORTS_X11_EGL help Waffle is a cross-platform library that allows one to defer selection of an OpenGL API and of window system until runtime. For example, on Linux, Waffle enables an application to select X11/EGL with an OpenGL 3.3 core profile, Wayland with OpenGL ES2, and other window system / API combinations. Waffle's immediate goal is to enable Piglit [1] to test multiple OpenGL flavors in a cross-platform way, and to allow each Piglit test to choose its OpenGL API and window system at runtime. A future goal is to enable the ability to record (with another tool such APITrace [2]) an application's OpenGL calls on one operating system or window system, and then replay that trace on a different system. For more information, visit to Waffle's website. [1] [2]