============================================================ Changes BASE - fixed bug in original packet filter emulation (a missing jump target resulted in an iptables error) - dnsmasq (DNS/DHCP-Server) - Update to Version 2.26 - dnsmasq may now trigger a dial-in before forwarding DNS requests; This is configured vi DNS_TRIGGER_DIAL_IN (no, yes, ip) - disable development version of imond for the time beeing - increase limits in imond, it now accepts 32 circuits and 128 time slots Build process - add a check to make sure each host that is referenced in the paket filter configuration is defined in the host section - fixed mybin/mylib handling - mkfli4l - removed limits (except limit of 64 packages) - renamed default config file - removed complains about undefined variables referenced in opt/package.txt files - rewrote unix build scripts to make sure nobody can abuse these scripts to erase its own harddisk (someone edited the scripts enough to bypass all test and erased its own hd) - removed dependency on gnu tar (options --uid, --gid, --mode) - windows-build - add support for ls120 - experimental ============================================================ Changes ISDN - allow more time slots by increasing limits in imond ============================================================ Changes CHRONY - provide a generic framework to inform other applications about timewarps caused by chrony. If chrony advances the clock in one big step it invokes scripts in /etc/chrony.d and passes the time offset as parameter to them. See /etc/chrony.d/timewarp.sh and /etc/chrony.d/timewarp100.imond for an example. ============================================================ Changes DSL - fixed checksum calculation bug in pppd - pppd rewrote the IP of pending packets after dial-in and calculated the new checksums wrong - disable dsl circuits for the time being; dsl circuits are still buggy ============================================================ Changes HTTPD - GUI: minor layout changes in support.cgi - GUI: possibility to add more than one language to HTTPD_GUI_LANG (first is default) - GUI: added possibility to change user - GUI: moved logo to main.css (easier to change layout, by only changing css) - GUI: added favicon again - GUI: add connection state to conntrack list ============================================================ Changes PPP - fixed checksum calculation bug in pppd - pppd rewrote the IP of pending packets after dial-in and calculated the new checksums wrong ============================================================ Changes SSHD - Fix writechannel bug described at https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/246 ============================================================ Changes USB - add optional EAGLE_WAITSECONDS to config/usb.txt - default to wait for 21 seconds for eagle-usb to become ready ============================================================ Changes OPENVPN - remove NAT rules on OpenVPN connection shutdown - fix parsing for config names like net-sven and sven ============================================================ Changes VPN - fix REMOTE-NET, LOCAL-VPN-IP and REMOTE-VPN-IP regex - reformat rc900.openvpn - optimize rc900.openvpn to avoid if calls, use case instead if possible ============================================================ Changes WLAN - rename wlanconfig to wlanconfig.sh - add experimental support for rt2570 usb - fix wlan interface with wpa encryption as bridge member - append bridge device to /etc/hostapd.$device - change /etc/wlan.opts to /var/run/wlan.conf - change wlanconfig.sh to run detect_* scripts first for devices without right MAC before an 'ifconfig $device up' ============================================================ Changes ADVANCED NETWORKING - bridges without an IP address are now properly brought up. - fix VLAN ID regex. ============================================================ Changes DYNDNS - fix noxa ============================================================ No changes - DHCP - EASYCRON - HD - Changes LCD - lpdsrv - PCMCIA - PROXY - QOS - INET - TOOLS