Changes QOS ============================================================================== v0.1: ----- 04.05.2001 he - Erste öffentliche Version v0.2: ----- 03.12.2001 he - auch mit fli4l 2.x kompatibel - Upstreambeschränkung möglich - IP-Adressen und Ports kombinierbar v0.3: ----- 15.02.2002 he nl ow - kompatibel mit dem Kernel der Versionen 2.0.1 und 2.0.2 - starke strukurelle Änderungen, alte Konfigurationsdatei kann nicht übernommen werden - Unterstützung von verschachtelten Klassen - Filterregeln für ACK-Pakete - Filterregeln für TOS-Bits - Filterregeln für ICMP (Pingprotokoll) - Benutzung von HTB anstelle von CBQ, ist nun wesentlich genauer und in der Verteilung der Bandbreite - stark erweiterte Dokumentation mit einer Reihe von Beispielen 2.1.0: ------ 18.03.2002 ow - reading qos-config into extra file - moved startscript to extra script - added ability to start stop and restart qos, for future use, to the script (not used now) - added statuscheck to prevent startig qos more than one time - added ability to print status - changed script to use client and server, up and down and more than one class in a class or filter - increased MAXDEPHT and NUMPRIO to 8 - added new version of tc 24.03.2002 nl - improved usage of portranges 25.03.2002 ow - changed way to save variables - renamed qos to 28.06.2002 nl - extended syntax checks when opt.tgz is build to detect faulty configurations at an early stage - added ability to specify external ips beside the internal one to allow ratecontrol on whole routes 01.04.2002 hs - added function call to rc.scripts 26.04.2002 nl - fixed a bug that made qos with a certain filter-constelation not behave like described in the documentation 27.04.2002 nl - removed "up-down"-feature 05.07.2002 ow - added stopscript 06.07.2002 ow - removed sch_prio.o 12.07.2002 nl - intercepts certain errors and prints better error-msgs to indicate where the error occured to - bootmsg.txt - console or syslog - did some reformating - changed red colechos to yellow ones for better display on monochrome displays - changed portrange-format from 'port:port' to 'port-port' 25.07.2002 nl - allow multipel IPs / ports per filter - added additional filter-options to choose between TCP and UDP - let tc autocalculate burstparameters - ignore portranges if option ACK, TOSMD, TOSMT, TOSMR or TOSMC is used - brought documentation and some misc. files up to date 2.1.0: ------ 10.09.2002 nl - changed QOS_FILTER_x_TYPE to QOS_FILTER_x_PORT_TYPE 2.1.1: ------ 2.1.2: ------ 2.1.3: ------ 2.1.4: ------ 2.1.5: ------ 2.1.6: ------ 2.1.7: ------ 2.1.8: ====== 2.1.9: ====== 2004- owb,jw5 - lots of bug fixes (already part of 2.1.8 patches) 2.1.10: ====== 27.05.2005 owb,jw5 - added ability to use more than one device for internet an local lan 2.1.11: ======= 2.1.12: ======= 17.06.2005 owb - added second way to classify packets 2.1.13 ------ 19.11.2005 owb - using "correct" prefixes - changed kbit to Kibit/s and mbit to Mibit/s 3.0.0: ------ 3.0.1: ------ 3.1.0: ------ 3.1.1: ------ 3.1.2: ------ - uses modprobe instead of insmod - uses ip instead of ifconfig - rrd database creation changed 3.1.3: ------ 3.1.4: ------ 3.3.0: ------ 2008-08-13 - upgrade iptables to, extension names changed from libipt to libxt