Main Packages ############# BASE ~~~ * update netcat to patch level 32 * fix handling of access rules for portforwarding, otherwise rules added via web interface would not work * change handling of ip_up_events flag, now it defaults to 'no' and all packages activating the ip-up mechanism set it to 'yes' (dsl, isdn, dhcp_client) DNS_DHCP ~~~ * update dnsmasq to 2.46 * add multiple domain-support for dnsmasq * add tftp-service provided by dnsmasq to configuration * change httpd-Interface - now leases, dhcp-hosts and dhcp-ranges displayed in page * change config of special dns-server (delegation) - add delegation for reverse lookup DYNDNS ~~~ * rewritten to provide better error checking * ip-up runs dyndns-update in background, one after the other or in parallel if one update takes to long * dyndns-update-sh * now supports several methods to update an account and falls back to other methods if one failes * now detects permanent errors and disables updates until the problem is solved * error detection is based on provider specific regular expressions and functions * still needs help with error checking patterns, so user feedback is necessary * enforces a minimal wait time between updates * supports an enforced update after n days even if the ip did not change * cgi interface * displays current state * allows to enforce an update * allows to enable methods or accounts if they are disabled * shows date/time and result of last update attempt VPN ~~~ * add dns and rdns delegation for tunnels * OPENVPN_x_DNSIP, OPENVPN_x_DOMAIN set dns and rdns for the complete tunnel * OPENVPN_x_DNSIP_y, OPENVPN_x_DOMAIN_y set dns and rdns settings for each OPENVPN_x_ROUTE_y WLAN ~~~ * removed wds-support which only was implemented for hostap_* and only used WEP-Encryption src ~~~ * adapted Makefiles for dnsmasq and netcat